hope you're hungry,because this is one delicioso list! welcome to watchmojo.com, and today we're counting down our picksfor the "top 10 mexican foods". for this list, will be ranking the mostpopular foods,
water foods list, dishes, and recipes from theworld of traditional mexican cuisine. we will be omitting dips, sauces, and drinks, however, this means that salsa, mole, guacamole, and horchata, will beheld off for another day.
will also be skipping the world oftex-mex cuisine for now, so save those nachos and chimichangasfor your next party. who says you can't eat dessert first? we're kicking off our list,with this fried sugary treat, which to be fairisn't only consumed for dessert. instead, many mexicans actually start their daysoff with churros for breakfast, although the pastries popularityis not limited to mexico. folks in france,
spain and portugal have been known todip their churros, which are essentially dough pastriesin their morning coffee. one theory goes that portugueseexplorers exposed europe to the treat, after bringing them back from theirtrips to ming dynasty, china. whatever their origins, these donut-like snacksare oh so good. the name of the next food on our list, translate from spanish to "little fat one" in english, and comes from the small rounded masa or dough,
which surrounds a meat, cheese, or veggie filling. gorditas are usually preparedwith either a corn or wheat masa, and are either baked or fried, in a shape somewhat similarto a british pasty or savory popover. the best thing about these littlepockets of food love however, is that they can be filled with just aboutanything imaginable, making them a versatile snack orsupper for any time of the day. the traditional mexican dish knownas the "sope", is another handy snack food with avariety of delicious preparations.
the base of the sope begins with alime-soaked fried corn dough, which is then topped with refried beans, veggies, and sauce to the chef's taste. meat toppings, such as chicken orpork can be added to the sope, although the traditional preparation oftencombines the veggies, with either red or green chili sauceor salsa with a cream topping. but really, the sope isdelicious and every preparation, which makes it a must-try mexican dish. some foodies may not immediatelythink of soups or stews,
when theyimagine traditional mexican cuisine, but this next entry on our list isdefinitely a delicious exception. the pozole is a mexican soup, packed withflavor and history, as it used to be utilized in ancientaztec culture for religious rituals, including human sacrifice. today, the pozole is thankfullynot prepared with people meat, but instead has a base of dried corn kernelsknown as "hominy", the stew is then seasoned with chilipeppers, cabbage, salsa, and citrus,
before adding in pork for atraditional pozole presentation. chilaquiles may not be a household name, for those who only occasionallydabble in mexican cuisine, but diehard foodies know that thistasty treat is essential eating, for those visiting mexico on vacation. this simple but delicious dish, is anchored by several lightly fried corn tortillas, which are then cut intotriangles and placed on four corners of a plate. the tortillas are then drenched in asalsa or mole sauce,
before being simmered until soft, and then topped withmexican crema, which is similar to sour cream, queso fresco, a type of cheese, onions, andavocado. hungry yet? tamales are a stapleof mexican street food culture, and a typical example of simple, classiccooking at its finest. the traditional tamale begins, with thatessential mexican ingredient, masa, which is steamed in a corn husk,
along with the toppings and ingredients to taste. savory and sweet tamales arenot uncommon to see in mexico, as this handy portable snack can be filled, with meats, cheeses, veggies, or even fruit. this makes them a perfect vessel for achef's creativity, making them immensely popular around the world. it's difficult to imagine a mexican food, with as much crossoverpotential as the classic quesadilla. this easy to prepareand easy to eat food,
is easily one of the most popularmexican dishes in north america, thanks to its ability to hold any mannerof savory or sweet filling. quesadillas consists of a wheat or corn tortilla, filled with cheese, meat, or veggies, and then heated on a stove or flat top untilthe mixture is cooked, and the tortilla is charred and crispy. this makes them excellent lunch ideasfor picky kids, as well as a quick and easy dinner for busy adults. look around anywhere,
and it's extremely likely, you'll stumbleupon a local join serving up burritos. indeed, this mexican culinary staple, has quickly becomean obsession for many north american diners, with numerous fast foodestablishments and chain restaurants, riding the burrito train for all its worth. the burritos popularity again, is probably due to its versatility as a vessel, with its large wheat flour tortillaencompassing any number of savory fillings, veggies, beans, and rice.
this makes the burritos place in popularculture every culture safe and sound, for many years to come. the classic mexican enchilada, is a dish one can see on the menu ofmany restaurants around the world. not only those specializing intraditional mexican food, this is due not only to the dishes popularity, but also to how easily a chef can put his or herown personal creative stamp on it. a standard enchilada preparation is a corn tortilla, wrapped around the filling of your choice,
and covered in a chilipepper sauce. refried beans are common side dishes to the enchilada, while the tortillas themselves can alsobe covered in sauces or savory mole sauces, sauces resulting in hundreds of possibleenchilada concoctions. before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few deliciously honorable mentions. slimplicity lives at the heart ofmexican cooking, with fresh ingredients and honest preparations, serving as the life's blood of the family meal.
no mexican dish quite represents thesentiment better than the taco, which can be served not only, as sit down dinners, but also, as an on-the-go snack out there on the street. the taco is traditionally prepared witha small soft corn or wheat tortilla, no crunchy shells here, folks. often doubled up and filled, with seafood, cheese, veggies, orany variety of meat, including seasoned pork in the specialty dish,known as, "tacos al pastor". taco tuesday, anyone?
do you agree with our list? which mexicanfood is your favorite? for more tasty top 10's published everyday, be sure to subscribe to watchmojo.com.
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