- [voiceover] we all knowadded sugar isn't healthy, but is avoiding it worth it? we wanted to find out, so we asked three sugar addicts to change their diets for a month
water elimination diet, to see what happenswhen you give up sugar. ("allure amour") - for breakfast i usuallyhave like a starburst. i'm interested in this challenge because
as i started working in office jobs i went from 125 to 165, so. - should i not be drinking this thing? i feel bad for everyone in my life because it does feel likemy mood a lot of the time is directly tied to my diet. - i'll get stressed out. i get headaches if i don't eat sugar. i'm 27, i think it's time
to start eating like an adult and not like a 16 year old. - it's just been an emotionalroller coaster of a week. i (bleep) up and ordered an old fashion. what do i drink to get caffeine? soda. - [voiceover] you could drink coffee. - i don't want to drink black coffee.
black coffee straight is shitty. - super bowl sucks 'causei just got to sit there and eat like corn chipsthat tasted really crappy. and then today, work was free cupcake day. this sucks. - went to disneyland yesterday. everyone was eating tasty treats. i couldn't have any of these tasty treats, so i had a pickle.
- i feel like that weirdo 'cause i'm in the grocery store like looking at the back of everything to see what's in it. and i never wanted to be that guy, and now i'm that guy. - any positive changes? i don't know, not really. - ugh, i hope it's worth it.
- so, last week was really bad, but this week i'm kind of used to it. and actually slipped up, and grabbed a can of coke and drank it. last night i drank sodato try to stay up late 'cause i was doing work. and i feel like junk this morning. - i have thinned down a bit. i've lost a few pounds.
- i feel like i'm more positive. i feel like my energylevels are more level. and i don't have these lows. - this is actually not that bad. i feel like, i don't know, i feel like i could do this. i feel like i can actuallystop eating so much sugar. - i lost five pounds. that's crazy.
five pounds of fat according to the body comp test. so yeah, i feel pretty good about the direct result. - i actually can confidently say i don't miss sugar that much. crazy, mind blowing, life changing? yes, all of the above. - planning my meals,
i'm using all fresh ingredients. the cool thing about this diet is it's making me cook again, which i haven't done in anembarrassingly long time. kind of like looking at whatyou're putting in your body, looking at the back of the ingredients, or just being conscious of it was huge. - in the third week i was like wow, i'm like happy.
i'm really happy right now, and i feel calm and not stressed out. - i drink more water now. i am glad i did it. it's all for the better. yeah, i don't want that diabetes. my dad's got it. i don't wanna get that. ew.
- at the beginning i was like i can't wait 'til the month is over so that i can go backand eat all the sugar that i'm missing. and now i don't eventhink i'm gonna do that. i think i'm gonna stick with it for a little bit longer. (laughs) who am i?
who am i? (laughs) am i an adult now? (laughs) - [voiceover] it's so good.
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