- [voiceover] we are kicking off season seven of american ninja warrior, and we promise to bring yousome of the biggest stars on the planet, and these guys, the try guys from buzzfeed.
water diet mma, - i'm matt iseman, alongside former nfl defensive end akbar gbajabiamila. - [akbar] look, if you'vegot the name try guys you gotta believe they'regonna come out there
and do their absolute best. - well, a lot of the timeswe've talked about it it's not necessarily the athletic ability. it's the courage, andit's the determination. - (yells) no, no, no! - (laughs) could barelykeep a straight face. (dramatic music) - ninja warrior is one of the peak fitness competitions in the world.
- i think it's all about brains. i think physical fitness is overrated. - everything they do looksimpossible, and they fail at it. - my therapist said positivethinking is really important. - i have no chance. - [voiceover] no matter what, you guys should just be proud ofyourself, and excited. - so you're saying thattalent and preparedness has nothing to do with this.
- that's what i'm hearing. - i think that you made that up. - i think that most of the audience isn't really quite familiar with the actual training involved, so they have to make sure it's down pat before they get onto that course. - i started out with gymnastics when i was a lot younger, and then
transitioned into snowboarding and diving and trampolining, andthen freerunning parkour. - let's see... i, i do nothing. - who do you think is gonna do the best? - just looking at you guys i'm gonna have to say definitely jordan. - i have a well-rounded skill set being a former gymnast,current cross-fitter.
- who's the cutest? - that's gotta be eugene, on that one. he's, he's very good looking. - eugene might havesome trouble, obviously. but otherwise i think everyoneelse's chances are real good. - fuck it, i'm doingit. (yells and laughs) - what's the secret tothe quintuple steps? - a lot of people overlookthem, and they think it's the first one, it'seasy, and it's the opposite.
- ninja warrior, cat-style. - i don't like the cat technique. - do you meow when you do it? - you have to. - meow! meow! meow! - the cat with the mostadorable sounding method, and it was the best one. - meow! - it's the big man,sportin' four eyes, keith!
- [akbar] when you look at a guy this big, you better expect he'sgonna dominate this course. - now that i think that i can do it, it's gonnabe easy, no problem. - once we fly past the quintuple steps,what's the second obstacle? - [voiceover] it's a curtain slider, to - grabbing a rope, swinging, landing on a platform.
- this trampoline is delightful, oh god! (others laugh) - nailed it. - [voiceover] you wannajump through the rope. so you don't wanna jump to it, because then when you grab, everything's gonna be pulling you down. - no, no! (laughs) - [akbar] zach has got adifferent type of strength.
he's got testicular strength. - the rope may or may nothave gotten caught on my nuts. it's all good, though. - and he's so serious, he'sdoing it without his glasses. - looks like it's just a walk in the park. - i would say a run in the park, because once you get on it,it will completely drop. - i hate falling. - all of ninja warriorcourse is potential falling.
- yeah, i'm aware! - this guy has fantastichair, it's eugene! - [akbar] i love eugene'shair like you said, but more than that, ilove this guy's speed. he is definitely gonnabe the guy to look for. - [matt] well, it isamerican ninja warrior. eugene does have anadvantage in that regard. - the fourth obstacle, they're tilted in differentdirections, but they spin.
so you need to get your momentum, swing, grab the next one, keep swinging. - so once we pass the bucketswith ease, what's next? - it looks like you're gonna have to go from one unstable bridge down to a tramp, and try to catch the other one. - so first of all, whohere can do a pull up? - me - you gotta use your arms, pull pull pull.
- i know you think i'm notpulling, because i'm not moving. (laughter) - there you go, wow. (grunts and yells) - nope, nope, i can't do it, can't do it. - i'll also pose in front of it. (everyone cheers) - now we're getting serious, the try guys are not great athletes, so they recruited
someone with some skill,it's the try girl, jordan. - we can do what the guys can do, and sometimes even better than them. - so what about the warped wall? what advice do you have for that? - just go fast, and keep your chest up. a lot of people lean forward to it, so they run right into the wall. (yells)
(yelps) - you want a hug? - yeah i do, i do want a hug. - (yells) no! - i like that slide, thatwas a solid slide. (applause) - let's get ready to climb the wall! - [akbar] you talk about aguy with lower body strength ned is that guy, andhe gets it from soccer. - and he gets it from thesupport of ned's wife.
(cheering and yelling) - eugene! eugene! - well that was a really fun day. i'm completely ready for ninja warrior. - you sure about that? - why does it smell like butts in here? it smells like straight up butts. - what's the likelihoodi get to hit the button? - i think like, as a team weare one complete ninja warrior.
- [akbar] the try guys, they are going to participate tag-team style. - i think it's the first and only tag-team these guys will be getting. so each one will attempt an obstacle. when they hit the water, they will then swap out and move on. - it's an hour before we run the course, they're still building it.
i don't feel safe, becausethey're still, there's a crane! - i've been practicingextensively, by saying positive affirmationsto myself in the mirror. - zach is completely delusional, positive thinking isn'tgonna get him anywhere. - there's so much training involved. everyone here or out there,who has been waiting in line for weeks, they've beenworking at this for years. - i have not done a pull up,because i don't need them.
- my wife and her mother are coming today. i better not mess it up for them. - today the culmination of itall, i'm probably at my worst. i'm gonna fall in some water for nbc. - one, two, three, believe in yourself! - whoo! - ned in the starting blocks,and looking at this body type, the one thing i wish he would try is a little more clothing, akbar.
- [akbar] i don't likehis shorts by the way. oh! he just tebowed! he just tebowed! - [matt] i like it! - [akbar] hallelujah! - [matt] another greatathlete, with an injured hip. let's take a look atwhat he's doing there. not a strong start there onthe quintuple steps, akbar. - [matt] you know what,it's not a strong start, and it's not a, did he just meow?
- i think he did, he's looking - what?! - a little bit like an injured cat here. - hold on, come on, you a grown man. you can't meow on the quintuple steps. you gotta attack it like a tiger! - [matt] and it definitely reminds me, get your pets spayed and neutered, and maybe get ned spayed and neutered too.
having a little trouble here, hung up. he really seemed toenjoy that last landing on the quintuple steps, but he is through! - [akbar] and he's still, he's done it! - [matt] unbelievable,and zach is hugging him. this is an odd celebrationin the middle of the course. and ned's wife! - [akbar] and ned's wife, huh. - [matt] i never thought we'd see that.
- [akbar] and check out theexplosion here on the replay - [matt] his best angleis from behind, akbar. - [akbar] let me tell you, you talk about the best gluteus maximus,and minimus, and medius, it's coming from ned. - but now it's time forthe big man, all 6'3" or 6'9" as we may estimate. - 6'6" get it right. - [matt] well with those glasses he looks
better suited to attacking a math problem, but so far, a strongperformance outta keith, akbar. - [akbar] that's messed up,you just called him a nerd. - [matt] but now the circle slider, and perhaps the weakest of them, zach. a man who said positivethought was gonna get him through this and carry him to the buzzer. - [akbar] oh boy, here goes zach. bring out the brick foam, keep your ls,
keep your ls, ohh! - [matt] weak transition there outta zach, not a great athletic approach akbar. - [akbar] you know, that'sgotta be one of the worst transitions i've ever seenon american ninja warrior. you can tell he triedto reach out there, but what does he think he's doing? - [matt] well i will saykeith was hoping he'd get wet. he said zach hadn't showered in a while.
so there is that benefit. - [akbar] there he is, he smells better. - [matt] look at that,offering the support the try guys, brothers to the bitter end. - [matt] but now eugene, trying to tackle here the tilting table. - [akbar] this is the manwe've been waiting for. this is the showstopper,here it is right there. i see you, go for it!
- oh and through it! and the justin bieber hairdoesn't slow him down! - he'll feel that one tomorrow. - [matt] a strong blow andnow we're getting serious. the try guys, look at that stumble, and the determinationto get through, akbar. - [akbar] that is athleticismat its best right there. even though he has internal bleeding, he still made it through, i'm impressed.
- [matt] well now, jordan about to get into the basket toss and akbar, this is gonna be a tallapproach here for her. and look at her hold on! - [akbar] oh, she just went air up there! i see you air jordan! - [matt] i can see why they chose her, and not zach for this. look at that transition, greatbody control outta jordan.
but now in a bit of no-man's land. - you've gotta use all core here. jordan if there's ever a core, right now, core move, you gotta make it. make that leap, make that leap. - [matt] needs to reach out for it. oh! she's wet, and jordangoes down getting wet, akbar. a great choice of words asjordan ends up in the water. and now, keith on the hourglass drop.
well they expect big things outta keith. - [akbar] yeah, i mean he's a big guy - [matt] six feet, three inches of keith i think he's got a great chance. - [akbar] he's 6'6", first off. - [matt] 6'7", i think it's gonna grow with every telling, so hard though - [akbar] what! yougotta be able to grab on! look you saw, he wasn'teven able to get two hops!
- that may have been one of the quickest failures we've ever seen. let's take a look now, thewarped wall, the final obstacle! 14 feet, and we are back to ned. try guys having surprising success, can they get up this most iconic obstacle? - [akbar] alright, he's just testing out the warped wall, thisis a veteran move there. - [matt] 14 feet against eugene.
- i can feel it. i amliterally sweating right now. this is the power of visualization. you've seen it, now do it. - [matt] building up the locomotive, i think, i can, oh! one last attempt for ned. - [akbar] you're the try guys, this is the time when you have to try. - i haven't seen ned look this bad
since i saw him in the lingerie. get to the top and explode, last attempt! - [akbar] oh! no! - [matt] coming down, aslide and it is over for ned. well even zach was disappointed in ned, and that's saying something. now it all comes down to this, eugene. one last attempt forthe try guys, 14 feet! - [akbar] there he is, there he is!
this kid has done it! - [matt] oh that move right there is big-time, prime-time,show-time, all-time! - i am literally sweatingright now, can you see? - this is, you are sweating profusely and i think what we justsaw is one of the greatest performances in the historyof american ninja warrior. he violated every rulewe have but i loved it. - [akbar] look at this,they're going nuts!
- [matt] they look liketeenage girls who just saw nsync, what was that celebration? - i don't know. - i'm ashamed for them, but they did it! the try guys are american ninja warriors. - the relay team, whereit was okay to advance even if you failed, did the course. - if you could alwaysadvance after failing, life would be great.
- yeah! - that's a great positiveattitude to have, right zach? - my therapist was wrong,positive thinking is bullshit. - i'd rather watch it on tvwhile eating six frozen pizzas. - seeing this pinnacle ofachievement is so inspiring. i can see how peoplededicate their lives to this. - i am extra motivated, andi'm coming back next year. - what will we try next? - you want a towel?
- yes. - well that's an unbelievable start to the season of american ninja warrior. the try guys have proventhey're do guys akbar. - try hard, or go home. - [matt] one of the most amazing things about having these try guys out here is watching them with solittle training athletically, how much they've trulytackled in their background,
from ufc fighting to stripping. - i think that's the end bump right there.
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