disney's latest movie zootopia has something for everyone! cute talking animals, a positive messageof social acceptance, crack cocaine! truly a movie for the whole family. matpat awesome intro**
water diet meaning, *music hello internet! welcome to film theory.the show that makes it slightly less creepy that i'm sitting solo in a movietheater, watching a disney movie, surrounded by screaming children. butseriously, i love disney movies. in a time
where the world is so full of fear, hate,and youtube rage comments, it's nice to visit a bright colorful fantasy world wherethings are simpler... happier... ahh who am i kidding? disney movies aredark. bambi's mom dies, pinocchio gets kidnapped and sold intoslavery! scar gets eaten alive, but zootopia may just be the darkest of thebunch. if you haven't seen it, you totally should. right now, in fact. notonly is it a fun movie, but, uh, this video is just riddled with spoilers so consideryourself warned. to get you up though zootopia tells the story of judy hopps.an ambitious young rabbit who fulfills her dream of becoming the first rabbitpolice officer in the history of this
all-animal society. here in zootopia,predators and prey co-exist peacefully, but some predators have mysteriouslygone missing as of late and it's up to judy to crack (ha get it because the theory is about cocaine) the case. not only is it a really fun detectivestory, zootopia also shined some light on really important social issues, like howgoshdarn slow the dmv is! gah! simultaneously hilarious, but just downright depressing. but when youlook beyond its cute animals as humans cover,
zootopia is truly a story about race. theidea of the minority group in society: the predators. facing prejudice andmistreatment from the majority is a pretty thinly veiled allusion toamerica's spotty history of race relations. don't believe me? we see an ice creamparlor refuse to serve a predator, police being quicker to draw weaponsagainst predators, and even judy hypothesizes that predators arebiologically more savage than prey. man, those are some heavy themes! i feelbad for those parents who made the responsible choice to take their kids to zootopia instead ofdeadpool! a good idea but now i have to
try and explain eugenics to afour-year-old. but while the "zootopia is about racism" concept may not besurprising to an astute viewer, it goes even deeper than that. because this children'smovie about a rabbit who just wants to be a cop is actually a retelling of along-standing conspiracy theory that crack cocaine was devised to destroy black communities in america! bet you didn't see that one coming. whoa-ho, time out matpat! you, the skeptical viewer (hey did you call me a dog how dare you) are probably shouting "disney may go dark, butthey don't go that dark!" (or do they)
hey, i understand your skepticism butdisney is no stranger to drug use. remember when dumbo drinks some waterthat has champagne in it and gets so wasted that he hallucinates pinkelephants and wakes up hungover in a tree? or when alice from alice inwonderland eats some special ( í¡â° íœê– í¡â°) mushrooms that make her perceptions of realitychange? and when it comes to drugs there's even a breaking bad joke in the movie!and if you want to see how dark disney is willing to go, did you watch maleficent? if you did youprobably understand that that was pretty much a fairy tale retelling of the storyof a rape survivor!
yeah, disney makes fun animated moviesthat are for kids, but they sure aren't afraid to tackle some pretty intensestuff for the benefit of the adults in the audience. so, why not crack cocaine (woah chill out matpat crack is wack)? and by that imean why would they not talk about crack cocaine and not why should we all do crack cocaine (oh). crack is wack kids (hey copying me i see)! just say no! other reagan-era slogans. now obviously themovie's characters don't smoke actual crack, but zootopia has its own substancecalled night howler. and the similarities between crack and night howlers arepretty surprising! one last reminder that
it's about to strike spoiler o'clock, soif you're afraid of turning back into a pumpkin it's time to run away from the ball now. the ballbeing this video... that metaphor just spun wildly out of control. spoilers ahead, let's go. evidence numberone: night howler serum and crack are both synthesized from harmless plants.as we see in zootopia, night howlers are flowers that grow wild on judy'sparents' carrot farm. nobody had any idea that they were key to some psychotropicdrug, until a fox tells them so. even after they've been harvested, judymistakes the bulbs for onions when she
stops a weasel who's stealing them toturn them into night howler serum. similarly, if you took crack cocaine backto its most basic form, you'd probably walk right on past it without anotherthought. crack, and cocaine in general, comes fromthe leaves of the coca plant, which is indigenous to much of south and central america. raw coca is so harmless that most peoplemake it into tea, or put it into habit-forming sodas back in the day. butconcentrating coca extract from several pounds of leaves results in a few gramsof pure colombian nose candy. of course then you have to chemicallytreat the powder version of cocaine and
cook it to turn it into crack, so thereis a lot of lab work that goes into turning leaves into crack. and inzootopia we get a good look at the complicated chemistry lab used toproduce night howler serum by doug the sheep and his partners. given the variety and sophistication ofequipment we see in the lab it's reasonable to conclude that synthesizingnight howler serum and crack cocaine are similar processes. but this leads to onequestion: why crack and not something like, say, crystal meth? i mean again,there's a breaking bad reference in the scene after all.
well, here's the thing: crystal meth isn'tmade from living plant matter. meth's active ingredients are usually synthesized from chemical sources,like cough medicine. besides we all know that the only use walter white has forflowers is poisoning innocent children. hoho, isn't this a happy episode?can't wait for this one to get suggested against all those disney toy unboxingvideos. anyway let's cheer things up a bit.here's a cute picture of a sloth. aww, he's such a cutesie! [matpat pls control yourself] oh ho ho, lookit dis guy! [matpat back to crack pls] alright, back to crack. evidence numbertwo: night howlers and crack cocaine
effect user in the same way. while zootopia doesn't tell us a wholelot about what it's like to be on night howler serum, we can get some clues byobserving those who are under its influence. emmitt otterton scratches upthe entire back seat of his limousine, rambles incoherently about the nighthowlers and then attacks his driver for no reason. when judy goes to question thedriver, we see that the night howlers affect animals almost instantly as onesecond they're having a pleasant conversation and the next he goesfull-on rage virus on her. so night howler effects include mania, incoherence and near-instant aggression.
how does this compare with crack? speaking from personal experience, i... haveno idea. no experience in the drug realm. trust me, we go to some pretty crazylengths to research these episodes but uh... not that far. i'm not passing out crack pipes in theedit room and taking notes. however a butt ton of internet researchshows that it matches up pretty well. effects of smoking crack includerestlessness, anxiety, irritability, and in large doses, aggression, paranoia anddelusions. running through walls, however... not on that list. sorry, dave.
as for how fast you feel theeffects of crack after you've smoked it, it's hard to locate an exact number butsmoking the drug is the fastest way to get it into your bloodstream outside ofinjecting it, and some of the most official sounding people on the internettalking about crack claim that it works almost instantly. obviously the drugs aren't meant to beexactly the same - this is an allegory after all - but basedon their effects they might as well be. evidence number three: night howlers andcrack affect the same groups. zootopia makes a point to make sure thatwe know that predators are the minority,
and that predators are the only ones quote unquote "going savage" as a resultof the night howler serum. while the movie doesn't explicitly tellus which minority predators are, it's pretty clear that we're talking aboutafrican-americans. i alluded to it before but we see nick wilde the fox deniedservice at an ice cream parlor simply because he's a predator, and the tensionbetween zootopia's police force and predators is a transparent allusion tothe issues brought up in the #blacklivesmatter movement. alsoassistant mayor bellwether tells us that zootopia's population is ten percentpredator: a very similar mark to the
twelve point three percent of the u.s.population that's african-american. the predators are also all disappearing fromzootopia's precinct 1, which is referred to as the city center when judy isassigned to it at her graduation from the police academy. all of this mirrors the group that washit hardest by crack cocaine in the 1980s: inner-cityafrican-americans. a paper by future freakonomics steven levitt stated that the incidenceof crack usage per capita was ten times as high in large cities with low-incomeurban populations such as new york,
philadelphia and washington dc. crackalso affected black communities really disproportionately, as during the crackboom of the eighties and early nineties, eighty-five percent of arrests maderelated to crack were of african-americans. but i'm sure some of you are probably stillskeptical. sure night howlers make you act like you're on crack, affectedminority communities and come from plants. so what? in this movie there's a biggovernment conspiracy around the night howlers. assistant mayor bellwether isthe one behind the drug getting spread, developing a serum that her minionsadministered to predators via dart gun. she admits that she began the conspiracyto ensure that the prey majority could
keep the peace by making everyone afraidof predators. as she puts it, fear always works. but it's not like in real life there wassome big government conspiracy to provide african americans with crack outof paranoia for national safety, right? right?? well, evidence number four: nighthowlers and crack are both government conspiracies. there are some og theoristsout there who believe that the crack cocaine epidemic back in the nineteeneighties came from a similar kind of government conspiracy, as that showed inzootopia. before we go on let me take a minute to get serious.
i should mention that this is a reallycontroversial theory and not one to take lightly. if you're interested in any of this, dosome research and reading for yourself. there's no way that in the final minutesof my video on zootopia that i can give this topic the true depth and explanationthat it deserves. it's my goal with this show to just inspire you guys, to learnmore about the world around you, and not always take new stories at face value. anyway, regardless of the truth of thistheory, it reeks of the events depicted in zootopia. in 1996, a san josã© journalistnamed gary webb wrote a three-part report called dark alliance, whichexposed a complicated web of connections
between the american government and thespread of crack cocaine in the predominantly african-americanneighborhood of south los angeles. like i've already said it's a reallycomplicated story that i won't get too deep into here, but basically america,afraid of the spread of communism during the cold war, supported a "gorilla" [lol]resistance group known as the contras. not those gorillas, guerrilla. though it's an easy mistake considering thatthis is zootopia... you know what, nevermind. just use gorillas, use the gorillas. andno, the contras is not referring to the old nes game. anyway this support in thecontras resulted in the cia becoming
involved with a bunch of drug smugglers. and this is a hundred percent true asenate report confirmed that the drug traffickers had been provided withfederal money. once the funding for the contras ran out,they were given the green light to raise money for themselves. and how do you dothat if you're a small central american country? lemonade stands? bake sales? nope! drugs. they flooded the west coastwith cheap cocaine, while the government willingly looked the other way - or, as some speculate, provided planes toaid in the shipment of the narcotics between countries.
by 1987 crack was ravaging practicallyall of america's large cities, hitting low-income black neighborhoods thehardest. the dealer who started it all? a man by the name of ricky ross believesthat spreading cracked african-americans was a conscious choice by the government;one that then president ronald reagan made out of a desire to keep the countrysafe from the soviet union and the spread of communism. ross has said, quote: "ibelieve that they felt it was more valuable to sacrifice a particularsector of america, and a race of people in america, in order to save the wholecountry" end quote. it's an idea that mayor lionheart echoes towards the endof zootopia, saying that they did
quote: "the wrong thing for the rightreasons" end quote. zootopia even seems like it'smaking references to specific instances of the crack epidemic. in the movie mayorlionheart gets set up to make it look like he's behind the night howler schemeand gets put in jail - only to return to power after his release. it's awfully similar to washington dcmayor marion barry who was caught smoking crack, jailed and then reelectedas mayor when he was released from prison. stay classy, dc. long story short, thelevel of government involvement with the spread of crack in america is still inquestion, but if i ever go missing know
it was the government silencing me forthis video. or the one where i researched atomic bombs and batman. or my oldpolybius video back on game theory. man i've got to be on so many watchlists at this point. [they gon' get you, matpat.] anyway, there you have it. zootopia: educating ourchildren about a government conspiracy to spread an organic rage drug toinner-city minority groups. kinda makes you yearn for the simpler daysof princesses with stockholm syndrome. but hey, that's just a theory - a depressing theory - and a conspiracytheory! but most of all, a film theory!
aaaaaand... cut!
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