sometimes you just need to detox - whetheryou've had a big night out on the town or you just thought it was a good idea to haveice cream for dinner all week. this simple blender recipe will have you all fixed upin no time! start with enough water to cover the bladeand get things juicing. apples and lemon support your liver, while ginger is great for digestion.carrots are rich in beta-catotene and are
water diet ingredients, terrific for your adrenal glands, which cantake a licking when you're under too much stress. beets are rich in nitrates, whichhelp improve bloodflow, provide energy and are reported to help lower blood pressure. blend on high speed.
strain your juice into an empty containerusing cheesecloth or a nut milk bag. pour over ice for a delicious, detoxifyingpick me up! thanks for watching! for more howdini tips,click on the videos on screen and subscribe to our channel.
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