lose 10 pounds in a week - fast and effectivediet! this is an easy but very effective diet inwhich you will lose 10 pounds in 1 week.it abounds with useful ingredients, and has provenfast and effect. breakfast: first get a glass of cold water with lemonjuice, on empty stomach for purification of
water diet in a week, toxins and activation of metabolism. half an hour after you drink water with lemonyou should eat two apples or two oranges. you can get a large grapefruit instead. you can add one handful of nuts, almonds,or hazelnuts, the nuts that contain antioxidants
are the most useful ones for women, they cleanthe body from free radicals and activate the metabolism. lunch: this diet allows consumption of meat, andit can be cooked chicken or veal. you should also eat one pot (2 cups) of sourmilk yogurt. snack: a fresh seasonal salad with olive oil andvery little salt. dinner: the meal should be before 6 pm.
it consists of two hard boiled eggs plus cucumbersalad or green salad with olive oil and a little salt. after 6 pm do not eat anything. make a liter of green tea (in 1 liter of waterput 4 bags of tea), which is to drink before bedtime. this is the menu for about a week or 10 days,depending on the weight you want to lose. in 7 days you should lose 10 pounds. we wish you success!
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