- did you know about half of us adults who try to lose weight drink more water? and studies show thatit does actually help. this video explains how. (bells chime)
water diet how to, many studies show that drinking more water has benefits for weightloss and maintenance. there's three main reasons for this. drinking water can makeyou burn more calories.
some studies found thatdrinking more water increases the amount of calories you burn, which is known as restingenergy expenditure. in adults, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 24 to 30% within 10 minutes of drinking water. this lasts at least 60 minutes. supporting this, one study ofoverweight and obese children found a 25% increase inresting energy expenditure
after drinking cold water. this study of overweight women examined the effects of increasing water intake to over one liter per day, or 34 ounces. they found that, over a12-month period, this resulted in an extra two kilos, or4.4 pounds, of weight loss. since these women didn't make any lifestyle changesexcept to drink more water, these results are pretty impressive.
drinking more water before meals can reduce appetite and calorie intake. drinking water before ameal appears to reduce appetite and subsequent calorie intake. at least it does inmiddle-aged and older adults. in one study, middle-aged,overweight and obese participants who drank water beforeeach meal for 12 weeks lost 44% more weight compared to a group that did not drink more water.
another study also showedthat drinking water before breakfast reduced the amount of calories consumedduring the meal by 13%. one of the main reasonsit's thought to have this effect is because it helps keep your stomach full and suppress appetite. but note that studies of younger adults have not shown this sameimpressive reduction in calorie intake thatit did for older adults.
drinking more water is linkedto lower risk of weight gain. since water is naturally calorie free, it's linked with a lowerrisk of weight gain. this is mainly because you drink water instead of other beverages, which are generally high in calories and sugar. this is a especiallyimportant for children, as encouragement to drink morewater can help prevent them from becoming overweight or obese.
a school-based study thatinstalled water fountains in 17 schools andprovided classroom lessons about water consumptionreduced the risk of obesity by 31% after just one school year. okay, so now we know there are benefits. how much should you have? well, there really isno set recommendations. you should just drinkwater when you're thirsty and enough to quench your thirst.
and, based on the studies,drinking one to two liters per day, or up to 67 ounces, should be sufficient tohelp with weight loss. also, just keep in mind that,although it's beneficial, you're gonna have to do a lot more than drink more water tosuccessfully lose weight. water is just one verysmall piece of the puzzle. if you enjoyed this video,please give it a thumbs up, and be sure to click thered button below this video
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