- lemon water is claimedto have powerful health and weight loss benefits, but does it live up to the hype? lemon water has become incredibly popular on the back of claims
water diet how much to drink, that it helps improve your mood, energy levels, immunesystem, and metabolic health. in fact many celebrities swear by it and there are even dietsbased entirely on lemon.
this is what a glass oflemon water looks like. it is simply the juice from lemon mixed with water. the amount of lemon you use depends on your personal preference and whether you take it hot or cold makes no difference to health. this is the nutrient breakdown for one glass of water
mixed with a juice from a half a lemon. it contains nine calories, less than a gram of sugar, 25% of the rdi of vitamin c, a small amount of folate and a small amount of potassium. one glass does not seem to provide a lot of nutrients but drinking lemon water is low calorie
and low sugar beverage that can boost your vitamin c intake. for comparison if youreplaced half a lemon with half an orange, it would double the caloriesand sugar in your drink. benefits of lemon water. numerous human studies have shown that lemon water can help treat kidney stones. lemon contains high amounts of citrate,
a compound that restoresthe urine's ability to prevent kidney stone formation. lemon water appears tobe a good alternative for those who don't toleratecitrate supplementation, which is the first linetreatment for kidney stones. considering lemon water is just water with some lemon added, it also has all theregular benefits of water. drinking plenty of water can assist with
weight loss, mentalhealth, digestive health, and athletic performance. common myths about lemon water and health. there are many additional health benefits surrounding lemon water but most are not supportedby any scientific evidence. in fact, many of them have been disproven. these are some of the most common ones. the fiber in it helps you lose weight.
lemons contain a typeof fiber called pectin, which helps reduce yourappetite and calorie intake. however, lemon water is basically filtered heavily diluted lemon juice which leaves it with onlytrace amounts of pectin. even a whole lemon only contains two grams of fiber in total. it alkalizes your body. according to proponentsof the alkaline diet,
foods leave an ash in your system that influences the ph of your body. that is how acidic or alkaline it becomes. lemon water is said to be alkalizing. however, neither the ph of your blood nor cells can be altered by what we eat. fights cancer. this claim is built on the premise that cancer cells cannot thrive in an alkaline
environment, but studies show they can. additionally cancer cells create their own acidic environment and eating alkalizingfoods doesn't stop that. it cleanses and detoxes. water helps eliminate waste from your body through urination andhealthy bowel movements. however, nothing in lemonwater improves this process. in fact most claimsthat foods or beverages
cleanse or detoxify yourorgans are simply untrue. it is also worth noting that lemons can damage yourtooth enamel over time which makes your teeth moreprone to getting cavities. so make sure you don't drink it after you brush your teeth. all that said, lemon water is a safe, flavorful alternative to plain water.
however, if you already eatlots of fruit and vegetables and you drink plenty of water, then lemon water is not gonna offer you any nutritional benefit. drink it for the taste rather than health benefits. if you find this video useful, please give it a thumbs-up and even leave a comment and
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