foods to eat during pregnancy believed to get a fairer skin baby. myth believed from some culture that by eating these foods will get fairer baby. 1. coconut kernel the coconut white kernel will help you deliver a fair skin baby. 2. milk
water diet for skin, pregnancy always drink milk that is good for the growth of the foetus and believed to fair baby skin. 3. egg white believed that egg white should eat for a fair child. 4. saffron milk
saffron milk was the list that helps improves the complexion of the child growing in the womb. 5. oranges rich in vitamin c can be helpful to improve the skin tone of baby. 6. fennel seeds soaked fennel in water drinks will helps improve the colour of the skin. 7. almonds dried almond or almond milk should be consume when pregnant to improve complexion. 8. ghee add ghee to pregnancy meal to reduce painful delivery and improve the color of the skin for the foetus based on indian home remedies.
9. pineapple juice rich in vitamin c to improve the color tone, take small amount like a glass once a week can helpful. 10. berries rich healthy antioxidant helps prevent ageing of skin and for fairer baby skin. if you like this video, please give a thumbs up, subscribe, and comment below for type of video you like.
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