hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine and nutritionist. one of the most common questions i get from patients is, "dr.axe, how much water should i be drinking a day?" the answer is typically in between 25% and50% of your body weight in ounces of water daily. so what this would mean is, if youweigh 160 pounds, you typically want to try
water diet every other day, and get about about half of that, 80 ouncesof water a day or as little as 40 ounces of water a day. typically in between 40 to 80ounces of water a day. water is vital for your health and for hydration,but let me say this as well, that question of how much water should i be drinking a dayisn't necessarily the best questions because
it's not just about how much water you'regetting, it's about hydration. if you are dehydrated some of the biggestside effects can be headaches, lack of energy, weight gain, lack of cleansing and detoxification,a weakened immune response, getting colds and flus easily, and really just feeling lethargic,or even brain fog. so proper hydration is so key to your overallhealth. and again, number one, it does start with water. your number one goal should bethis, start drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. so what i'd recommend, if you weigh, again,160 pounds, carry around maybe a 20 ounce container of water and drink four of thosea day, really increase that water consumption.
then, step two is getting more fruits andvegetables in your diet. fruits and vegetables are packed with electrolytes like magnesium,calcium, potassium and sodium. you need to get those good quality electrolytes in yoursystem as well. not just water but fruits and vegetables as well. and the third thing, you want to be getting,all natural sea salt. either celtic salt or himalayan salt and sprinkle a little of thaton your food as well because when you're getting water you also need sodium, you also needpotassium which you're going to get in fruits. and then again, of course, some of the otherelectrolytes i mentioned. but those are really three of the top four things you should do.
now, the fourth thing you need to do to stayhydrated is actually move and exercise. if you want to stay properly hydrated, you wantto increase circulation throughout your body. any form of exercise can support this whetherit's cardiovascular training, burst training, weight training, or just going down and walking. but movement increases circulation and canreally improve your overall electrolyte levels and actually can help circulate and get morenutrients into your cells. so remember these four steps in staying hydratedand really how much water you should drink: number one, the amount of drinking a day isabout 25% to 50% your body weight in water. so again, if you weigh 160 pounds, consume80 ounces of water a day.
step two, consume more fruits and vegetables.try and get 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. step number three, sprinkle a little bit ofhimalayan salt or some sort of sea salt on your food on a regular basis. step number four, exercise at least threedays a week for 20 minutes. if you do those four things, you're goingto be well hydrated and that water that you're consuming is going to be properly balancedwith electrolytes as well. hey guys, if you want to learn more aboutproper hydration, you can check out some of the articles i've written there on draxe.com.you can search "water", or i've got a great
article on himalayan salt i think you'd like. also, if you want more health news like thisyou can subscribe to this youtube channel. want to just say, thanks so much for watchingand remember, stay hydrated.
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