my name is rick goltz and i'm a weight loss coach and expert, with better body for me irepresent ideal protein and i have foralmost seven years now. the program i believe is the best and it has beenvoted the best. what i do is real simple i teach people how to eat correctly tolose weight i've found that there's between healthyand eating to lose weight and we just make
water diet clinic, some simple changes in people's diet and itcould result in losing 2-4 pounds per week, every week. the second thing i do is provide theright foods from ideal protein it really takes the guesswork out of it - just make it easy
the company was founded by a gourmet chefso taste of the food is real foremost the third and probably the mostimportant factor is i'm a coach, an accountability partner for my clients most people know what to do they justhaven't been able to do it they need a coach and somebody to account for and to make sure they're doing the right things, help them through the tough spots the way the diet is formulated you go from carb burning machine to a fat burning machine andwithin a few short days instead of craving and wanting to eat everything youdon't anymore. you also eat regular food you know beef, chicken, any source ofprotein, lots of vegetables and salads so it's a varied meal and somethingpeople can really do until they reach
their weight loss goals. i had a ten-yearprofessional football career. (i'm) very fortunate - i got to do what i loved - from the first time i watched a football game i loved it and wanted to be a pro and i wasable to do that for the canadian football league and the nationalfootball league. i'm just very proud of that accomplishment. it kind of makes meunique, not too many diet coaches you're gonna find that were former athletes or professional athletes and i am that! my phone number 281-236-7012 come see me - give me a call if you're ready, i'm ready i'm rick goltz with better bodies for me
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