water diet calculator

water diet calculator

hey what's up guys, sean nalewanyj here ofbodytransformationtruth.com, and in today’s video i want to share 12 effective tips thatyou can employ to minimize the amount of hunger that you experience during a fat loss diet,and in turn maximize your chances of long term success. so, regardless of what typeof dieting method that you employ or how your training plan is specifically structured,fat loss ultimately comes down to one central

water diet calculator, thing, and that is maintaining a net caloriedeficit over time by consistently burning more calories than you consume. and the factis simple, when your daily caloric expenditure consistently exceeds your caloric intake,your body is going to naturally kick into survival mode and produce feelings of hungerin order to motivate you to eat, and food

cravings are the number one reason why mostpeople ultimately fall off track with their fat loss diet and end up failing in the longrun. so although these 12 tips are not going to completely eliminate your hunger altogether,they will make a very significant positive difference when it comes to reducing themdown to a more manageable level. so let's go over it. tip #1 is to maintain a smallcalorie deficit and focus on losing fat at a gradual pace. this is the most basic andmost obvious tip for you to employ, but it's also the most important. create too largeof a calorie deficit and not only will you lose an excessive amount of lean muscle massthroughout your cutting phase, but you’re also going to feel excessively hungry as well.always think of fat loss as being more of

a marathon rather than a sprint, and focuson creating a small calorie deficit that gradually strips the fat away while allowing you tomaintain your lean muscle mass and while keeping your hunger levels relatively controlled.and a good guideline to follow for this is to employ a calorie deficit of around 15-20%below your maintenance level, and aiming to lose about 1-2 pounds of total body fat perweek. tip #2 is to make sure you’re getting enough protein. protein is the most fillingof the 3 macronutrients and it also plays an important role in helping you spare leanmuscle tissue as you diet down. a good guideline here is to aim for around 1 gram of proteinper pound of body weight daily from lean, high quality sources. tip #3, don’t letyour dietary fat intake drop too low. the

idea that “dietary fat makes you fat”is one of the biggest myths when it comes to proper fat loss nutrition, and maintainingadequate fat intake is a very important aspect of your overall plan. not only does a sufficientamount of dietary fat help to keep your testosterone levels from dipping too low throughout yourcut, but it will also leave you feeling fuller and more satisfied in between meals by slowingdown the rate of gastric emptying. and for those reasons, i would recommend that youaim to get at least 20% of your total daily calories from fat. tip #4 is to ensure thatyou’re eating plenty of fiber. fiber absorbs water as it moves through your digestive tractand essentially “gels” and expands in your stomach to increase feelings of fullnessand satiety. and just like fat, fiber also

slows down the rate of gastric emptying. anda good guideline here is to shoot for about 15 grams of fiber for every 1000 caloriesthat you consume. tip #5, eat more vegetables. this somewhat overlaps with the previous point,but vegetables are one of the very best food sources for your fat loss diet because they’revery high in overall volume but extremely low in calories. consuming vegetables withseveral of your meals throughout the day is a great way to help fill yourself up whilekeeping the total calorie content of your meals down. not only are vegetables a greattool for reducing hunger, but they’re also incredibly micronutrient dense as well. tip#6, optimize your daily meal frequency and layout. the research on meal frequency andits effects on basal metabolic rate are fairly

clear, and that is thatas long as you’reconsuming the same overall calorie and macronutrient totals for the day as a whole, the specificway in which you lay out those meals doesn’t really have any significant effect on yourbottom line fat loss. and for that reason, you’re going to want to experiment withdifferent meal plan structures in order to find the one that works best for you in termsof controlling appetite. so for some people that might mean eating 6 small meals a day,for others it might mean 4 medium sized meals, and for others it might mean 3 larger meals.in addition to that, some people do best by consuming a larger percentage of their caloriesearlier on in the day with fewer calories later on, while others do better using theexact opposite approach. and finally, you

can also consider trying out the popular “intermittentfasting” protocol by consuming all of your daily calories within an 8 hour “feedingwindow”, and then fasting for the remaining 16 hours of the day. so just play around withthese different variables and see wihch one works best for you. tip #7 is to increaseyour water intake. so aside from drinking plenty of water throughout the day as a whole,you can also try consuming a couple glasses of water with each meal in order to increaseoverall feelings of fullness. tip #8 is to find the right balance between dieting andcardio. so as i mentioned at the beginning of the video, fat loss ultimately comes downto maintaining a net calorie deficit over time by burning more calories than you consume.now you can create a calorie deficit by consuming

less food, by increasing your activity level,or through a combination of both. now both of these variables (so reducing calorie intakeor increasing calorie expenditure) will obviously stimulate your appetite, but everyone doesreact a bit differently to each one. some people are able to manage their hunger moreeffectively by creating a larger calorie deficit through their diet and then performing lesscardio as a result, while others prefer to consume more calories through their diet butto perform a higher amount of cardio in order to create the same overall calorie deficit.so try playing around with each of these variables by either consuming fewer calories and exercisinga bit less or by consuming more calories and exercising a bit more to see which one youprefer. tip #9 is to perform some hiit cardio.

performing low intensity, longer durationaerobic sessions is fine as part of your overall plan, but do keep in mind that these typesof sessions tend to have a more powerful appetite-stimulating effect than high intensity, low duration cardiodoes. and for that reason, you can try mixing in some high intensity interval cardio intoyour plan in order to burn additional calories without experiencing a significant increasein appetite. tip #10 is to allow for dietary flexibility. trying to “eat clean” 24hours a day is not only completely unnecessary when it comes to maximizing fat loss, butit’s also a great way to ensure that you fail with your diet over the long run. completelyrestricting a particular food item is only going to make you desire it more, increasingthe chances that you’ll eventually “give

in”, become discouraged, and then potentiallybinge even further, and ultimately throw your entire program off course. on the other hand,if you simply allot a small percentage of your total daily calories to come from thefoods that you crave most right from the outset, your chances of long term success are goingto be hugely maximized, and with no negative effect on your fat burning results either.remember, fat loss nutrition is all about the big picture, and including a few “cheatfoods” here and there is not going to magically cause you to gain fat as long as it’s beingproperly tracked. so my suggestion here is to follow the basic rule that if 80-90% ofyour total calories are coming from lean high quality protein, minimally refined carbs andhealthy fats, then the other 10-20% can come

from whatever foods you’d like as long itfits into your overall daily calorie and macronutrient totals. tip #11 is to make sure that you getenough sleep each night. not only does chronic sleep deprivation negatively impact your mentalfocus, your physical strength, energy levels and motivation, but it also boosts your appetiteas well, and this is due to a decrease in leptin levels and an increase in ghrelin levels,which are two key hormones that regulate hunger. now everybody’s individual need for sleepvaries quite a bit, so i won’t give you the standard “8 hours a night” guideline.instead, just aim to get enough quality sleep each night so that you feel fully rested,alert and energized throughout the day. and tip #12 is to slow down when you eat. nowthis is a pretty simple one, but research

has shown that eating your meals at a slower,more gradual place helps you to feel fuller and more satisfied off of a smaller volumeof food. your food isn’t going to run away, so take your time and enjoy it. now again,these 12 tips are not going to completely eliminate your food cravings altogether, butemploy some or all of them and you should notice a significant positive effect thatwill make your diet much easier to stick to over the long term. so thanks for watchingthis video lesson, i hope you found the information useful here today. to get some more highlyeffective fat burning and muscle building nutrition tips, along with step by step mealplans, recipes and other helpful information, make sure to head over to bodytransformationtruth.comand grab my complete “body transformation

blueprint” system, and you can do that byclicking the icon at the top of the video or using the link in the description box below.if you did enjoy the video, as always, please make sure to hit the like button, leave acomment and subscribe to stay up-to-date on future videos. and make sure to check outmy official blog over at seannal.com for all of my latest articles, tips and other updates.talk to you again soon.
