water diet blog

water diet blog

we’re all supposed to drink 8 glasses ofwater a day, but i never can drink that many cups. so one of my new year’s resolutionsis to drink more water but water alone can be kind of boring so i’ve come up with 8delicious ways to infuse my fruit into the water while adding extra health benefits too!subscribe below if you want to see how it’s made.water infused with fruits and herbs help with

water diet blog, detoxification, energy and hydration. allyou have to do is place as much fruit as you’d like into water, let it sit for 30 minutesand enjoy! so here are some of my favorite combinations:cucumber & pomegranate - this helps with managing stress and bloatingstrawberry basil & lemon - this helps boost

immunity and it’s super tasty tooblueberries & orange - this gives you healthier skin and helps clean free radicals out ofyour system grapefruit & rosemary - this is like a fancycocktail infusion but it has a ton of vitamin c to help your body turn fat into fuelpear and ginger will help your tummy with digestionblackberry & sage to give you total relaxation pineapple, orange, & mint helps stabilizeblood sugar and reduce inflammation and finally my favorite combo: raspberry,mango & lime this will help with anti aging and disease preventionso drink up and let me know which combinations you like. cheers to a happy and healthy newyear! bye
