water diet apples

water diet apples

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video i'm going to share with you the truthabout alkalinity including the alkaline diet and how to naturally balance your ph. i will tell you this, that alkalinity is important,but not necessarily exactly what you think it might be. i see a lot of people out there,even a few doctors, who are recommending you

water diet apples, follow a purely alkaline diet. the truth isyou don't want to follow a purely alkaline diet. you want a balanced diet of a lot ofalkaline foods and then also some good acidic foods to balance things out. there are foods that are completely healthythat are acidic that you would think would

be alkaline. for instance blueberries, thenumber one fruit super food on the planet, high in resveratrol, bioflavonoids, loadsof antioxidants, that's acidic. certain foods like apple cider vinegar, that's acidic. sauerkrautwe know to be full of probiotics, and kefir, even lemons, those are acidic. many of themover time might have an alkaline effect on your body, but overall those are acidic. soass you can see, it's not necessarily cut and dry of eat a bunch of alkaline foods andstay away from acidic foods. here's what's important. rather than justan alkaline diet, you want to follow a nutrient dense diet that's high in alkaline foods.here are some of the best foods. number one is green leafy vegetables. now green leafyvegetables, such as kale and spinach, they

are loaded with something called chlorophyllwhich helps in detoxing and cleansing your body. it's great for liver detoxification.getting those in your diet, those are very, very alkaline and those are great for yourbody. also, you want to get berries in your diet.now berries are borderline. some are acidic. some are more alkaline. they are still nutrientdense and over time help get your body to the right ph. blueberries, raspberries, strawberries,cherries, blackberries, cranberries are all fantastic. then, of course, other fruits are great aswell. kiwis are packed with vitamin c. we know oranges are great and apples. reallyall fruits and vegetables are going to fall

within these categories and be very alkaline. now here's a surprise alkaline food for you-- bone broth. bone broth has been consumed for over 5,000 years we know. that's whereyou take the bones and ligaments of animals. you put them in a one-pot or a crock pot.you put in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and you cook it. the amino acids and mineralscome out of the bones. now what we've found is minerals are veryalkaline. so consuming bone broth actually helps your body alkalize. in fact, one ofthe things i've had my patients do, when they needed to balance their ph, is i would havethem do veggie juice along with bone broth and do a liquid fast for three days and completelytransform the ph of their body and their overall

health. again, bone broth is very surprising but avery alkaline super food. you can do bone broth liquid or even buy bone broth proteinpowder or collagen protein. put a few tablespoons in a super foods smoothie every day. it'sfantastic for tissue repair and getting those amino acids in your diet. again, when it comes to alkalinity, we knowthat vegetables, fruits, and bone broth are the best. also super foods like seaweed, specificallyspirulina, chlorella and ala, those three algae are very, very alkaline. spirulina isa super food of the future, packed with vitamins and minerals. adding a simple scoop of a grainsuper food powder or an organic super grains

every morning to a smoothie is fantastic.great way to alkalize your body. then, of course, you want to add in some herbs.cilantro and parsley and dill, these are very alkaline herbs. cilantro and parsley and basil,i use those almost every single day in my cooking. getting them fresh is the best, butdried is great as well. getting more of those herbs in your diet as well is definitely goingto help you alkalize. then if you want to alkalize as well, you'vegot to get your emotions right. it's so important. one of the things that i recommend you doevery single day is wake up and do a spiritual triathlon. here's what that looks like. yourfirst five minutes you wake up you say everything you're grateful for. for me, i pray to god.that's maybe what you do, or maybe you just

speak it out. the first five minutes, getup and say everything you're grateful for in your personal life, your financial life,your recreational life, your work life and any other area of your life. say everythingyou're grateful for. then the next five minutes either read a devotion or a bible or a personalgrowth book. read something. the next five minutes either pray or meditate on those thingsor visualize. do a spiritual triathlon every morning. gettingyour emotions balanced and uplifting your own mood and spirit can actually help balanceyour ph and make your body more alkaline, versus if you wake up and just are in a badmood and start taking care of emails and emergencies. that can actually cause your body to be moreacidic and flood your body with bad hormones

versus the good balanced hormones that youactually want. hey, if you want to learn more about alkalinity,check out my website draxe.com. also, if you want to learn more about the best super foodsand remedies and how to use food as medicine, make sure to sign up here for my youtube channel.i know you're going to love some of the future videos i have coming out. hey, this has been dr. axe talking about howto balance your alkalinity, your ph, and the alkaline diet.
