so for st. patrick's day thisyear, then, we're going to do a really amazing greengoddess salad. if you were with me last year,you remember we did these green kale chips which wentdown an absolute storm. it's got to be green onst. patrick's day.
water diet and salad, and so we've got the salad andthen in a second video i'm going to show you a reallynice mint chocolate chip smoothie, which is just goingto make for an amazing st. patrick's day meal ifyou get into it.
so let's do this. the first thing we're going todo is make our green goddess salad dressing. so cashews into yourhigh-speed blender. now, you don't have to havea vitamix for this. if you've got just a reallypowerful, the most powerful home blender you can get willwork, as long as you soak those cashews preferablyovernight. they only really need soakingfor about 20 minutes.
but to get them really nice andsoft if you haven't got a very powerful blender, thenovernight in the fridge, soak them up, rinse them off, andthen they'll be ready to use. then we're going to useour herbs here. so we've got some parsley. now, for each of these herbs,i'm just going to reserve a little bit, because we want thedressing to be green, but we also want a few flecks ofgreen colour in there as well. so i'm going to keep a few ofthe chives back, a little bit
of the parsley. that's just going togo in as it is. a little bit of the tarragon,we'll save that. and then we've got some norihere as well, nori flakes or nori just ripped up. that's going to go in as well. i put all of that in. and then we've got our lemonjuice, or apple cider vinegar, whatever acid you want to use.
and i've got a little bit ofgarlic that's going to go in there as well. in this recipe, i'm actuallygoing in with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. so you can just follow thisrecipe as it is, or you can change around the acids if youwant as well and just make your own thing out of it. ok. so a little bit of pure waterin there to blend that up.
and then we'll get thisnice and smooth. so it needs a littlebit more water. and also, what i didn't put inthere is my seasonings, so i'm going to add some salt. now you'll see if you're justfollowing the recipe, the amount of salt in the recipeis there for you already. so i've got that nice,smooth dressing now. and this is where i'm going topop in the greens or the herbs that i saved.
so we'll just bunch those up. and what we don't want to do isbruise them, so i'm going to bunch them up nice and tightand just go through probably just once. then we'll put themin the blender. and then just give then a littlebit of a quick pulse. great. so that's our dressing ready. now what else i wanted to dofor you here was do to a
little bit of a couscous, agreen couscous made out of broccoli and cauliflower. so i can use the foodprocessor for this. i'm going to cut out the stalkand maybe just cut out a little bit more of the stalkthere so we don't get any big huge pieces. and you can reservethese for-- you can actually evenjuice these. you can juice up cauliflowerand broccoli no problem.
and then you can get to thatpoint where you can just break them up. that looks pretty good. just cut up any larger pieces. into the food processor. all right. so then we're going to take amicroplane, which is just a really thin-- a small-holed grater, and getsome lemon zest in there.
so a bit of lemon zestand lemon juice. good stuff. so we've zested thewhole lemon there. and now we're going to put insome lemon juice, which obviously you could just use thelemon we just used there. once it's zested, just squeezea bit of the juice in. dill. dill and lemon is justa fantastic combo. so i'm going to bunch this allup with the little bit of
broccoli and cauliflowerthat we just had. and this just needsto be a rough cut. the food processor is goingto do the rest of it. so we'll put this in. them we've got a little bit ofnutritional yeast to go in then we've got olive oil. this is for our salad. we're going to chop the avocadoin there as well. so that's everything we need,really, for our broccoli and
cauliflower couscous. what i do like to do as well,and this is optional, because i know they're a littlebit expensive. but if you want to treatyourself for st. patrick's day, just a few pine nuts. off we go. a bit of salt in there, whichi could have done at the first stage. i just forgot again.
so we can season that up. what we don't want to do is bepulsing it up too much and breaking it down. but we're still good. if you get to the end and you'vepulsed it up and it's a good sized couscous and you'veforgotten an ingredient, just stir it in. and that way you won'tover-process it. so we've got our couscous.
we've got our greengoddess dressing. and now we're going to puttogether just a really nice kind of simple salad here. i've got romaine. i've got a little gem lettuce. i know not everyone can getthese, so i thought i'd just use this one and say that youcan use your romaine lettuce if you can't get a hold of asmaller lettuce like that. to be honest, just use anylettuce you've got locally
wherever you are. and all i'm going to do is breakdown these leaves, take them off the stalk. and then you may have seen i'ma little bit of a fan of tearing the leaves rather thancutting them when they've got this kind of really nice naturalshape to them anyway. i don't want to bringa uniformity to them with a knife. i just want to keep them niceand rustic-looking.
so i'm making perhaps aone-person portion here. but your recipe's going to befor at least two people. so that's what our greengoddess dressing is going to go on. then we'll have a little bitof avocados in there. so this is a pretty simplesalad, a couple of different elements to it. if you're a bit newer to rawfood there's a couple of challenging parts in there.
if you're not new to raw food,there's going to be some stuff in there that's going to keepyou happy, lots of flavour. so let's cut these reasonablychunky. so we're going to add theseto our lettuce. so let's get some dressingon to this lettuce. so we get that in there. we're not massaging this orwilting it down, because these lettuce leaves are prettysoft anyway. so that little bit of saltin there is going
to go really perfectly. look at that creaminess. beautiful. so you've got the creaminessof the dressing and the avocado. you've got the crunchinessof the lettuce still. that's what we're aiming for. we're almost there. the last thing is spirulina.
it's going to feature i thinkin probably every one of my st. patrick's day recipes,because it's green. so spinach, olive oil, or theoil of your choosing, just a tiny little bit of salt,and then i'm going to massage that in. and then if you've got largerleaves you could just do a little bit of a tearon this as well. i actually quite like leavingthese leaves fairly large. and then i'm going to take it toa next level greenness and
just stir in that spirulina. and then what i also like to addin there is a little bit of lemon juice. you'll notice when you put thespirulina in there, because it's a powder, it just drysthings up a little bit. and by adding that lemon juice,it kept things nice and more like a salad dressing thanjust drying up the leaves completely. and that's looking fantastic.
you're going to end up witha really green hand. i'll just have a quickwash there. so we have to, of course, servethis on a green plate. i've got like a family-stylegreen platter here that i'm going to use. and i think the first thingwe're going to put down is our lettuce green goddess saladmixture with the avocado in. i'm just going to have thisfamily-style on the plate, building up the layers.
so you know, you can make a bigbatch of this up, have a few people over, and justimpress everyone with some fantastic raw goodies. lost a bit of avocado. can't leave that behind. then sprinkle on your lettucewith the spirulina on. and being sure not to covercompletely the rest of the salad, so you get the twodifferent colours. then we're going to take ourcouscous mixture from the food
processor and do thesame with that. so just strategically placethat around the plate. there you go. and then i've got a couple ofother little treats here. so i mentioned the pinenuts beforehand. so if you've got a few of thoseleft, if you do want to use them, just a couple of thoseon top, because we've got a lot of creaminess inhere, so we've got extra crunch with that couscous.
and those pine nuts are givingus extra crunch as well now. and then we've got somehemp seed here. so treat yourself with a littlebit of hemp seed there. sprinkle that around. and finally, a little bit ofextra dill, just a few sprigs thrown around the plate,kind of rustic style. this really finishesoff it nicely. really pleased withthis recipe. fantastic.
and then just one last thing tofinish it off, a little bit of black pepper. or i've got a multicolouredrainbow peppercorn grinder here. get a bit of that on there. and there you go. put that in front of anybody,if they're raw or not, this st. patrick's day, and you'resure to impress them.
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