water diet and food

water diet and food

hi, i am doctor shikha. i am the managingdirector of nutrihealth systems. today we will be talking about something which i thinkall women look for and all women want and that is a glowing fresh skin. now it is verynatural we all live in cities and some of us who don't live in the cities also thereis so much pollution and affects the skin. so after a certain stage we all feel our skinis not glowing enough. sometimes even young

water diet and food, girls feel their skin is not glowing enough.what is the reason? of course bad air, toxic water, and a bad diet. so we can fix... wecan't fix bad air or water but we can fix our diet. and a lot of things if we fix inout diet will actually lead to a glowing skin. now what are the things that we should dofor a glowing skin?

first i would say drink a lot of water. becausewater hydrates our skin. it cleanses our body. so eight to ten glasses of water every dayis really going to help you to have a glowing skin.second thing which i would also recommend is that you should have a lot of foods whichare good for the liver. why the liver? because the liver is the cleansing agent of your body.so if your body is cleansed, it is fresh, then your skin is going to reflect that stateof health. so things that are good for the liver are methi sprouts. that is methi seedswhich are sprouted. and they really cleanse the liver. coconut water another thing thatis very good for the lever. it decreases the "pith" of the body and gives you a nice smoothglowing skin.

another thing that is very important is tohave a vegetable juice in the morning. and that vegetable juice i call it as multivitaminjuice really. now what would it have? it would have aloe vera two table spoons, it wouldhave a pinch of triphala powder, just a little bit of triphala powder. it would have awalajuice. which is about one tea spoon on awala juice. it would have cucumber juice. it wouldhave tomato in it. a fresh tomato which has been squeezed or juiced together. it wouldhave a little piece of ginger. just a wee bit of ginger. and you can put a little bitof wheat grass juice also if you have wheat grass juice available in the market. and togetherthis juice every morning if you have first thing in the morning empty stomach your skinwill start showing the changes.

along with that if you have sprouts whichare moong sprouts, chana sprouts, everyday in your diet. jut a little bit you know likethree table spoons, that will also start cleansing your lever.skins which ware very bad for the skin are too much of tea and coffee. too much of fattyfood, too much of fried food. and of course using too many chemicals on your face. sowhile using chemicals go natural like a papaya scrub or you can powder moong dal and usethe moong dal scrub for your face. try to remain as natural as possible. because naturalfruit facials, natural creams are far better than too many chemicals which sometime peopletend to use on their face. for the glowing skin it is also very importantthat you should have food on time. because

if you don't have food on time, if you arehungry, if you are starving, then skin starts showing it first. so you should have foodon time, meals on time. don't try to like skip meals during the day and then have abig meal during the night. because that is not good for the skin.also at night don't have too much of slat. because if you have salt then next morningyour face will be like puffy and that may not look good.so for the skin it is also very important to have enough protein because our skin isalso consisting of protein. so for good protein of course you have sprouts, you have peanuts.in non vegetarian you have fish which is lean fish chicken. in summers avoid eggs of coursein winters you can have eggs. then you have

nuts and oil seeds. so things like almonds,walnuts, sesame seeds. so during the winters you can have lots of these things becausethey are great for the skin. and of course try to use natural oils for your skin avoidartificial things and you will have a wonderful glowing skin.
