oh my god, we've been out here for fifteen minutes we need to be hydrating!everybody drink up. actually, the risk of dehydration is way overblown. (chuckling) buh-buh-buh!
water diet acne, you're gonna tell mehydrating is bad? yeah, right, take a lap. oh, i'd never make it all the way around. in america, we've become obsessed
with the dangersof dehydration. people think that if they'renot constantly drinking water, they risk death. you're dehydrated. and you're dehydrated. and, oh, my god, you're practically a mummy. but that fearis totally baseless. yeah, right, bub. everyone knows you have to drinkeight glasses of water a day.
yeah, everybody knows that, but it's not true. no study has ever shown or even claimed that. it's just something people say. really? now you tell me. (sarcastic chuckle)water prevents cramps. oh, where'd you hear that? from my coach. and i heard itfrom my coach,
and he heard it from his coach, and so on. well, you didn't hear it from science, 'cause science says that ain't true. well, how much wateram i supposed to drink? well, you can just drinkwhen you're thirsty. that's crazy,you're a crazy person. who are you? oh, patty, this is tamara hew-butler. she's a professor of exercisescience at oakland university.
our bodies already possess an extremely sensitivemeasure of dehydration. it's called thirst. as long as we drinkwhen we feel thirsty, we reallywon't dehydrate. that's how humans have done itfor millions of years, and it's worked out fine. the fact is, truly dangerouslevels of dehydration are incredibly rare and only occur in cases
of extreme sickness or isolation. as long as you havefree access to water and you drinkwhen you're thirsty, you'll be fine. then why do i do this to myself? hmm, maybe because beveragecompanies have spend decades drowning us in ads like these. (announcer) hardworking hydration, keep at it. hydrate the hustle.
g2 from gatorade, the low-calorie, off-field hydrator. lucozade sport hydratesand fuels you better than water. 'cause the more water you drink, the better you feel. drink more water! these companies have consistently portrayed dehydration as a serious threat for one, simple reason-- it gets us to drink more. the international bottled water association
publishesa hydration calculator that can recommend you drink two liters of water a day. dasani tells you that hydration is healthy, so drink up, preferably dasani. paid spokesmandustin pedroia says he always hydrateswith vita coco because it prevents cramps,even though it doesn't. and in "runner's world" magazine, gatorade ran an ad masquerading as an article
titled "hydration 101." it included tips like "drink early and often," "don't waituntil you feel thirsty" and "always drinkssports drinks." but that's allreal science, right? ah, here's where it gets sticky. that ad wassponsored by the gatorade sports science institute, which was foundedby gatorade in 1985.
its scientific mission? to discoverexciting new reasons people should drink their product. our unbiased study found that people shoulddrink a lot of gatorade. terrific work,alert the media! we also may have found a cure for cancer. was it gatorade? damn it!
get back to me when it's gatorade! gatorade also sponsorssports science research at universitiesacross america, and this can influencetheir findings. ♪ money, money... ♪ the american college of sports medicine once recommended... when exercising, you should drink as much as tolerable. ♪ it's all about the money ♪ other companiessoon followed suit.
evian's parent companyfounded hydration for health, a group that... important research, everybody! drink evian! science says so. oh, i gotta tellthe tots about this. (adam) and, after decades of bad science and marketing, we now believe dehydration is a dire threat. gotta drink,drink or i'll die!
well, it's not like drinking too much liquid'sgonna kill anybody. actually, that's exactly what it can do. all of this scare mongeringover dehydration has created an entirely different problem: overhydration. phooey, you drink hard,you pee hard. not if you're exercising. exercise stops you from peeing by putting your body in water conservation mode.
and if you overhydrate then, all that extra fluid has nowhere to go. holy crow! it's called exercise associated hyponatremia, and it can be deadly. in a study of the 2002 boston marathon, nearly one-sixthof the runners studied were found to have hyponatremia. these runners drank so muchliquid during the race,
that by the finish line,they had actually gained weight. and she wins by a belly! okay, now, that's a joke, but this is a serious problem in sports. at least 12 athletes have died from overhydration. no, that's terrible. it's true.overhydration is dangerous. most researchers,including myself, think that it's the marketingof the beverage industry
that's responsibilityfor this surge in fluid overloadhyponatremia. so, i've been putting the kids in danger? no, patty, death by hyponatremia is extremely rare. just give the kids free access to water. let 'em drink when they're thirsty, and don't treat these ads as science. i don't deserveto wear this uniform.(sobbing)
hey!you made my patty cry. kids, let's practicesome tackling drills. i've got just the dummy. ah, no wait! the truth about concussions is really interesting.
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