strict diet for picky eaters

strict diet for picky eaters

- i'm trying to give yousome options for your ending. i hate sushi. - it is definitely a foodi could eat every day, no problem. - juice vendors at themall, when they're like

strict diet for picky eaters, "free smoothie?" always, yes, you take the smoothie. - this is nigiri sushi,it's a type of sushi. - also, louise is out sicktoday, so i get to eat

his burrito. five days of this, no problem. five months, no problem. maybe five years. - you can't take sushi from an asian man. - you can take smoothie from a white girl. i got this smoothie, and then i brought thissmoothie from home. but a burrito every day, ifeel like he's going to start

feeling really ill. - happy! this shit's expensive. - yeah, i'm on a budget. damn good.- this is great, louise! - day two! - louise is sick again,so we are eating his-- oh, you're eating the whole thing? - he's eating the whole thing.

- i'm sorry. - can i have a sip of it? - no. - can i just please have a sip? - i'm good. - i'm gonna do this all the time. whoa, who is this? - look who decided to show up! we were just so sure youweren't going to be here

that kyle just got the shitty burrito. - is it making you feel any better? - it's kind of stupid tothink that you could become sick of sushi. - you know how much my studentloan bill is every month? this could be leaking out of my eyeballs and i still wouldn't complain. - i mean appetizing, notreally, but it's free, so like-- - you're gonna eat it.

- i'm gonna eat it. - day four! let's talk about your poops. - i've got a feelingthere's gonna be some poops. - i have like an ironstomach, so it takes a lot to really, like, make my poops weird. - it's been an emotional journey. - what journey? you haven't been here! it is--

- day five! - the wow factor is alittle bit like, dull. - yeah, the wow factor is gone, but i'm still happy with it. - i have no problemwith breakfast burritos. - i feel like the goal ofthis video was to have us be sick of our favoritefood, but, you know, there's people starving out there. that's not this kind of video.

we're grateful. - i could go on. - yeah, i could do this every day forever. i have to burp, will you pat my back? - by the way, so was your-- (belches) whoa! - oh my god, i smell that.
