simple diets for picky eaters

simple diets for picky eaters

(sad piano music) (gagging) - oh god. it's like eating a pimple. (laughter)

simple diets for picky eaters, - [voiceover] oh god. - i hope you don't wantme to eat sushi in this, because i probably won't. - crayfish can be really...

- squishy. - it's a little too chewy for me. - gushy. - something about textures,really disgust me. - i (beep) hate tuna. - pig. - i (beep) hate fish. - burgers. - i don't like squash.

- bacon. - onions. - sushi. - i don't like green beans. - peppers. - zucchini. - bananas. - when people call me a picky eater, it makes me think that i'm a snob,

but i'm not a snob, i justlike the foods that i like. (upbeat music) - this is a radish. never had one before. eww. - i'm gonna give thetofu mushroom a go now. mushrooms should onlybe consumed by mario. eatin' a rubber band. - mushrooms not bad, ithought i hated mushrooms.

- usually after my fitness class, i get a bagel with cream cheese. today i'm gonna be adventurousand get like turkey bacon. it's not disgusting, but it's not good. - [voiceover] oh, that's cute. they put salad with my fried chicken. (dramatic) opera music) it smells like the ocean,it smells so disgusting. - [voiceover] no?

- so gross. feels like the fish is trying to crawl back up my throat and get out. that was maybe the worst thingi've ever put in my mouth. - i almost threw up. oww (beep). - that doesn't belong in the mouth. - taste like i'm eating my own tongue. - it's like angry glue.

it does not want to be swallowed. oww it's (beep) alive. - at the homeless tahini. i'm gettin' green, theabsolute worst color for food. i conquered it. i conquered, none of it's in the trash. - i'm trying brusselssprouts for the first time. - friends have always made fun of me because i've never had a tuna melt.

- wow. - indian food. the craziest thing about this is i don't even know what i have. let's try it, i might finishit like i did yesterday. we'll see. indian food, it ain't bad. i don't know what it is, again, don't know what it is but it ain't bad.

(dramatic music) - this is a (beep) oyster. i spit it out, oh god i almost threw up. - the alcohol won't evenget rid of the taste. i need like five more shots. this is fucking snails. - it taste like butter, ididn't really taste the snail. it wasn't bad. - it doesn't taste thatmuch different than,

any other meat covered in butter. so like, it's actually okay. - not as bad as i thought. i was very proud of myself. that was maybe the hardestthing i ever done in my life. and i told my whole family about it. they were all very proud. - i'm really happy that itried a bunch of new foods. i think too often in life weget stuck in our own routines.

i wanna continue trying new foods. - if i took anything away from this week, it would be that, i shouldn't let my, experiences as a kid effectmy pallet as an adult. - my advice to picky eaters, just stick to what you're usedto except for indian food. try indian food. indian food is so good,shout out to india.
