sensory diet for picky eaters

sensory diet for picky eaters

hi! welcome to healthy little tots. um, i'm talking about bringing kids into the kitchen. now thechaos, the thoughts start running in our minds. they are gunna make us trip all over the place, the mess there's gunna be hot stuff! fear not. shift your perspective it's gonna be just fine because it's gonna be a super cool educational tool

sensory diet for picky eaters, for your kiddos. they get in the kitchen not only based on their age, and where they're at (their level) um, you know your kids best. some kids will be older and they can knead the dough and really work their hands. some kids may need mashed potato

or not a mashed potato, but a mashed banana to mash the food to copy mom or copy dad. if your kids the type that likes to run around like crazy, they can run and grab the food soyou are teaching them the names of the fruits and vegetables and ingredients.they can run and get it so they are building their vocabulary. pick that little one up, show them the water boiling and steam coming off and give them a little science lesson. kids that like to sit around on the groundand are content can take lettuce or kale or you can teach them different fruits and vegetable. or i mean, lettuce and have them tear it. sothey are using those fine motor skills.

so, there are tons of ways that you can include little ones into the kitchen. um, my friend has a drawer on the bottomso their kids can run-up and use plates and differentplastic things that she doesn't have to worry about getting broken. and also she will teach them categories. that this is an "always food", and this is a "sometimes food", this is aonly "special time food" and so that four year old now runs up to us and is like "oh mommy, is this an always food?" "oh mommy, is this a sometimes food?" and because of that he has learning

health on his own. i know alot of us use food as self-loathing. we get upset, have a bad day and run to that freezer and grab that ice cream.getting those kids in the kitchen at an young age teaching them that it's not about self-loathing, but it's about creating this awesome thing that's healthy can really, really benefit your little ones lives and the best part is you get to bond with them you have all these different tools , you have the vocabulary, you can sing songs. they can learn things with their hands, learn recipes and being involved

it's super key to them not being picky. now what do i mean by that? if you giveyour child an option "hey do you want to put this or this in? do you want to use that or that?" they option and they are involved with the foodmaking process the chances of them not wanting to eat is a lot less because they are going to take pride in the food that "they made". so, having them involved in the kitchenwill make them try and explore so many more different foods that being set in front of them and saying

eat this without them knowing. which is really a cool concept to think about. i suggest curious chef, it's a company i have not yet tried their stuff, but they have a to z. they have peelers, knives, they have all different stuff aimed and gearedtowards children getting into the kitchen. so, i suggest checking them out. maybe onamazon. let me know how you feel if you go aheadand you order something from them and you really like it, send me an email so that i know.

thanks guys!
