recipes for picky eaters 1 year old

recipes for picky eaters 1 year old

hi, lovely people! today i am going to show you how to make a fantastic penne con salsa with a sauce of vegetable. so simple, so good and is healthy as well. children love to eat this penne, the way i make

recipes for picky eaters 1 year old, grown-up, they just say 'wow! how good it is' first of all, you need half onion. make sure it's lovely and firm onions. let's start to grate it. be careful your fingers this job for you not for the kids

then, we have a celery. just cut them a little bit, crack it look at that. then, you pull it here, is all removed. there it goes. then you come to the courgette in with the carrots a pepper this orange. look at that, there it goes again. only half, just let in all the seeds as well inside. can you imagine, you know, children when they actually cook something there is pieces of carrot, 'oh mummy, the carrot is too tough! oh look i don't want the carrots'

you know, 'no look at the onions, i can see the onions'. this is a good way to eat it. now the children, they won't realise what is there but one thing they will know is the flavour, and the taste, and the goodness and then you will be so happy because you know that your children have been eating vegetable, but forget about the children for the moment also it's for you! three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil grab them all, straight in

and then, stir it. at the moment there is lots of moisture inside. i need that moisture to evaporate. then when evaporated i can taste the flavour of the vegetable when they're sealed and then when i put in tomato sauce you get a full grasp of flavour all together. so, you can see, almost gone, almost evaporated everything i can see just a little bit of carrot as well. all lovely and mashed up that's good, fantastic, all the moist that's evaporated the flavouring has got so intense inside it.

two tins of chopped tomato, you stir it look at that! this is so fantastic you can see all the bits and pieces of vegetable and for our basil, roughly chop. put them inside. now it start bubbling perfect time for season, with very littlesalt you don't wanna overdo it. when you actually stir it and you leave it for a second you can start to see the beautiful, creamy which has started to come out on top, and that is a good time now to turn it down and let it simmer for about

25 minutes, no more than that so the sauce is almost there, so i'm gonna throw some penne inside water. the water have to be extremely, boiling water. so you can actually use so many different varieties of pasta with this sauce it is good. pasta goes straight in, use about 50 grams for children, 80 grams for i'm going to cook the pasta for about ten minutes when it's ready, i'm gonna put them all together and dish it out for you to enjoy, yes. now the pasta is cooked, and i need to get about half cup of pasta water

because, maybe, i need some to add more fluid inside the sauce. so i'm gonna drain the pasta right, put everything inside then add the half cup of pasta water because all the flavour is there you want to have cooked all this penne but also the penne's got a lovely flavour in, over the sauce inside. but also you get some little bit of sauce inside here. now it's done now, i'm going to serve two plate. one for adult, and one for the children

give them about 50 grams, that is for child. and this is for adult a little grate of parmesan. parmesan's the greatest invention the italian tasting has done. just drizzle on top this is the time now, if you wanna add any extra season for adult, you can do it. for me, i use a little bit of chilli and, a little drizzle of olive oil, yes!

little basil and this is the perfect, penne with vegetable sauce mmm, mmm, mmm! the flavour - it is unbelievable! i feel like, i'm in summer, i'm in a garden full of green, yellow, reds, all different vegetable. me sitting down and smelling and the same time, eating. incredible. if you want to see more of these fantastic family dish, don't forget

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