we all know childhood obesity is a nationalhealth issue. seventeen percent of kids and teens are obese, according to the centersfor disease control. but when the problem strikes in your own home, you realize justhow delicate and complex it can be. pediatricians say small changes to your family's routinecan help you raise a healthier eater. first, try not to call food a treat or reward. itgives food too much importance. ice cream
pregnancy diet for picky eaters, is just ice cream. it should be enjoyed becauseit tastes good -- in moderation, of course. and by the same token, experts say withholdingfood should not be used as a punishment, either. make healthy eating a family affair. you needto get viand from all the stakeholders in your child's life, including your child careprovider. and if you're divorced, talk to
your ex about reinforcing good habits in bothhouseholds. turning off the television at mealtimes and limiting eating to the kitchenand dining room can also help. and avoid snacking in front of the tv. and finally, make gradualchanges so that the whole family gets used to this new approach to food. setting simplegoals will go a long way.
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