paleo diet for picky eaters

paleo diet for picky eaters

dr. axe:hey, guys. dr. josh axe here, along with our specialguest, jeffrey smith from the institute of responsible technology. today we're going to be talking about thenon-gmo diet. and dr. jeffrey is the pioneer when it comesto helping people live gmo-free.

paleo diet for picky eaters, so we're going to be talking about that herein a minute. also, hey, we'd love to hear from you rightnow. help us spread this message to stop gmos. take a minute right now.

punch your share button. click your like button. we are on a mission to help end gmos for good. and if you agree with us that gmos are destructive,hey, take a minute right now and help us spread this message. so, jeff, really glad you're here. we're going to talk about gmos. and you really are the pioneer, one of thebig pioneers, of this movement in stopping gmos.

before we jump in and talk about this, whyare gmos so damaging to the environment and our bodies? dr. jeffrey:well, for the bodies, i've beenfocusing on that for 21 years. you have the process of genetic engineeringitself, which causes massive damage in the dna of plants. you can increase allergens and toxins andnew diseases. . . dr. axe:wow. dr. jeffrey:. . . and nutritional problems.

there was a study that just came out thatshowed that monsanto's roundup ready corn, the corn itself, has higher levels of putrescineand cadaverine, which are the proteins that make decaying, dead bodies smell. dr. jeffrey:and it's in larger quantitiesin the genetically-engineered corn. and it's linked to allergies and cancer. so this is the side effect of the processof genetic engineering, which involves inserting artificially foreign genes into things likecorn and soy. so that's the process itself. then you have the corn and the cotton plantsthat produce their own toxic insecticide poking

holes in the cell walls of the guts of theinsects to kill them. it turns out a 2012 study in a journal showedthat it pokes holes in human cells, as well. dr. jeffrey:then you have the roundup readycrops that are sprayed with roundup, which are drenched in there. it gets into it. you can't wash it off. roundup was marketed by monsanto as a safeherbicide. it turns out, it's a class 2a carcinogen. it's an endocrine disrupter.

it's an antibiotic. it's got all sorts of issues, a mitochondrialtoxin. and you don't want to put that in your body. and it's being drenched in the gmos that we'reeating. dr. axe:so as jeff is talking about, gmo foods,they're toxic to your body. it's plain and simple. and, jeff, i love this quote. i'm going to take it from you for a second,but jeffrey's the first person i ever heard say this.

he coined this term. gmo stands for "god, move over." i mean, it is changing our environment. it's changing our bodies. and, jeff, i wrote a book called eat dirtwhere i talk about gmos contributing to leaky gut, intestinal permeability, autoimmune diseasetoday, and a number of diseases. so let's jump in though and talk about thisnon-gmo diet. if somebody is going to go gmo-free, someof the biggest foods they want to stay away from are corn, canola and soy.

now these three products, what percentage. . . if somebody goes to the store, what percentage of these products today in theunited states are currently genetically modified? dr. jeffrey:well, in the corn field, there's93%, 94% of all of the corn planted. dr. jeffrey:a smaller percentage of corn onthe cob but, nonetheless, there is corn on the cob. ninety-five percent of canola, 93% of soy. so it's if it is a product that comes fromlots of soy or lots of canola like soybean oil or corn oil or high fructose corn syrupor soy lecithin, if it doesn't say non-gmo or organic, you can assume that it is geneticallyengineered.

that's huge. and so any time you're out there buying orshopping, you know, at any, even health food stores sometimes, i mean, it's crazy to mesometimes. it's a lot better now but especially evenfive years ago, you would buy a product with corn in some health food stores. you need to look for that non-gmo label orcertified organic label that's on something but, again, when you're reading on even productsthat call themselves natural, if you're shopping at your store and you're buying these granola-typebars, people need to look and see if there is corn.

if you have canola, if you have a soybeanoil, any of those products in there, 99.9% of the time, it's genetically modified, ifit doesn't say non-gmo certified organic on the label. so these are some big ones to stay away from. let's talk about this buy foods labeled gmo-free. now when did this start, jeff, because i knowyou're a big part of really pioneering this, of actually people putting that on the label? and i don't want to get too off-track, buti'd also like for you to mention, you know, today people don't have to put that it's gmoon the label.

why is that? dr. jeffrey:yeah. sixty-four other countries require labeling,if a product is genetically engineered. dr. axe:how many? dr. jeffrey:sixty-four. dr. axe:sixty-four other countries. and the u.s. isn't one. dr. jeffrey:not one, no. it's because the u.s. government is promotinggmos.

in fact, the white house under the first bushadministration told the fda, "promote gmos." so they created a new position for michaeltaylor, monsanto's former attorney – monsanto's the big gmo company – to be in charge ofpolicy at the fda. and when michael taylor was in charge of thegmo policy he said, "we don't see a difference between gmos and non-gmos worth worrying about. no safety testing is needed. no mandatory review by the fda needed. no labeling needed." monsanto, who told us that agent orange andpcbs and ddt were safe and got that wrong,

they can determine if their gmos are safe. put it on the market without even tellingthe fda or consumers. dr. jeffrey:and so that pro-gmo attitude iswhy we have gmos on our plate. and it turns out seven years after that policycame out, a lawsuit forced the fda to turn over its internal memos on gmos. and the whole thing was based on a lie. not only were they aware that gmos and non-gmoswere different, it was the overwhelming consensus among their own scientists that they weredifferent and dangerous and that studies were needed.

and so the entire policy was not based onscience, but on industry manipulation and political collusion, unfortunately. and that's why it's on our plates. dr. axe:you know, jeff, it is crazy to thinkthe government and some of these other people, they're making money from this. i mean, that's what it all stems from. when you look at the food industry or theagricultural industry and the pharmaceutical industry, i mean, these groups are makingmoney, profiting, unfortunately, off of making other people sick, cutting corners in nature.

you know, it's really upsetting. i know this is why you're one of the mostpassionate people i know and out there on a mission. we would ask you, hey, be on the mission withus. if you are like myself and jeff and you believethat gmos should be banned or at least labeled on the foods so we know what we're eating,take a minute right now. help us share this video. punch that share button. click that like button, as well.

so buying foods labeled gmo-free is important. the next one here, shop for organic foods. you know, jeff, how much has organic-grown? and why do you think it's growing so muchtoday? dr. jeffrey:one of the reasons why organicis growing so much is that people are trying to avoid gmos. and they know that organic foods don't allowgmos. now i want to contrast a non-gmo label withan organic label. organic is more important.

it's the number one choice because you canbe non-gmo and still be sprayed with things like roundup and other toxins. dr. axe:really? wow. dr. jeffrey:. . . and insecticides. so you can have a non-gmo loaf of bread madeof wheat. and three to five days before the wheat washarvested, the farmer may spray it with roundup in order to dry it down, to desiccate, asa desiccate, a dry-down. and then it ends up in the wheat, which isnot a safe thing for us to eat.

so the number one choice is organic. the number two choice is non-gmo. dr. axe:got it. dr. jeffrey:now sometimes, you'll see organicand the non-gmo project-verified label on the same product. that's actually the gold standard. and here's why. organic does not allow gmos, but it doesn'ttest to see if contamination has occurred. so if you grow according it to organic standards,you can sell it.

it's supposed to be non-gmo. and people will buy it. if you get non-gmo project-verified, it hasto be tested to see if any contamination has occurred. so if you have organic and non-gmo project-verified,not only does it have all the goodness of organic, but it also has been tested to seeif there's any gmo content in any at-risk foods. and so that would be the a, the basic goldstandard, then organic, then non-gmo, then you're on your own.

dr. axe:well, i love it, jeff. so these are great points. so as jeff talked about, gold standard, organic,non-gmo verified, looking for both of those labels on the food you buy. we'd love to hear from you right now. if you are on, whether it's facebook or youtuberight now, let us know if you shop organic, and if you personally shop non-gmo, and maybehow long you've been doing it, and how have you learned about this? we would love to hear from you right now.

now, one of the questions i often get is peoplesay to me, "dr. axe, i love what you teach, but one of my concerns is the cost associatedwith buying foods that are labeled organic." and i think this next thing really addressesthis. shop at your local farmer's market. talk to us about your farmer's market becausehere's the thing, another question i'll get. and i've done this myself, but people willask, "well, how do you know what your local or that your local farmer's market peopleare doing it organic?" and my answer is, typically, "well, ask them,"but what are your thoughts? dr. jeffrey:i think it's the same answer.

i mean, people say, "buy local," but you don'twant to buy local poison. it's better to buy foreign organic than localpoison. so the farmer's markets where i go, they sayright on the label on the thing, "conventional organic," but that's because i live in california. and everyone [inaudible 00:10:00]. but i lived in iowa for 30 years and i hadto ask. i had to go up to people and say, "is it organic?" now, sometimes they'll say, "we honor theorganic principles, but we're not certified organic."

and then i'll just follow up by a question,"so what do you spray with?" and if they say, "we don't spray with anything,"or they spray with something that's a natural organic, acceptable spray, i want to findout because i don't want poisons on my food, even if it's grown locally, okay? and shopping at farmer's markets is a wayto save money. now another way to save money is to cook fromingredients, rather than to buy processed if you switch to organic processed foods,you're certainly going to be spending more money than conventional processed foods, ingeneral, but if you switch to organic raw ingredients and cook from there, there areways to save a lot of money by doing it intelligently.

there's also online buying clubs. and people can form co-ops. people can grow their own, etc. dr. axe:yeah. i've seen a lot of patients that i have hadover the years, jeff, who have saved a lot by doing three things. one, going to local farmer's market and eatingreal food, which is big. another one, going to costco, you know. and some of these bigger chains now are carryingbulk organic products.

dr. jeffrey:oh, yeah. i went to costco the other day like for thefirst time in my area. and it was like, "my goodness. they're really promoting organic." dr. axe:yes. dr. jeffrey:and i filled up my shopping cartand saved a lot of money, but spent a lot of money. dr. axe:it's fantastic. and the other thing you're saying, doing co-ops.

i mean, especially when it comes to our meatproducts, is a great thing, you know, buying half a cow or a fourth of a cow. and getting a freezer, you know, putting itin the freezer. venison, wild venison, you know, some goodthings there with the meat products. dr. jeffrey:make sure that cow is raised on100% non-gmo feed. if you can buy wild-caught fish, wild-caughtgame, 100% grass fed, and if you can get 100% grass fed . . . if it just says, "grass fed,"it might be grain finished and the grains might be soy or corn. if it's 100% grass fed, if you get a chanceto ask people, "is it alfalfa that's genetically

engineered in that grass?" because alfalfais a grass. it's potentially genetically engineered. and we don't want that in our grass-fed beef. there's also eggs and dairy from animals thathave been fed non-gmo. and i've heard stories. now, we've talked about the health dangersof gmos. i've heard stories of families that reactto gm-fed animal feed . . . dr. jeffrey:. . . versus non-gmo animal feed.

and stories that even their own chickens,they were accidentally fed gmo and the person reacted to the eggs, not even knowing thatthere was a change in the feed. so it wasn't a placebo. it was clear like, "oh, my god. she was rushed to the hospital because ofanaphylactic shock. what's different? she's eating the same eggs from her same chickens." call the feed dealer. "oh, we used a gmo feed."

that doesn't mean everyone's going to havea reaction to gmo feed. it means that some people are very sensitive. so if you're one of those very sensitive peoplewho have been battling diseases and disorders and fatigue and all these things for years,try this. switch to organic and take notes. do yourself a favor. get a journal. write down what you're eating. write down your mood, your symptoms.

rate your symptoms. write down your energy level and do it eachday and stick with 100% organic. and if you see a change, you may have caughta culprit that's causing these problems. great advice, jeff. and we would love to hear from you. if you're a person right now, you're on facebook,you're on youtube here or live, and you are, and you have found a way to eat organic anddo it in a cost-effective manner, i know there's a lot of people who would love to learn fromyou. so post right now ways that you've saved yourfamily money, yet eating organic, natural

foods, some of your best tips. we'd love to hear from you now. number five here, plant an organic garden. so now, this isn't for everybody. you might be a busy person. you might live in a city and not have necessarilythe land to do this but, jeff, i know one of the things that i've done with chelseabefore is grow tomato plants and, you know, and cucumbers. and there are certain plants, basil and someothers, that we're able to do even in our

house in a windowsill. dr. jeffrey:absolutely. i mean, there are so many innovative things. and we have google search. and so it's easy to find. people will grow in their windowsill, they'llgrow sprouts. people will also process foods into krautand into other things like that. so processing, growing your own, it's partof a lifestyle that adds a little extra ownership of what we're eating.

it's exciting, especially if you have kids. dr. axe:i love it. great stuff. so the last one here is stay informed. you know, one of the things, again, that ilove about jeff, who i met years ago, was just seeing his heart and passion to literallychange history and change the world. you know, we are up against a giant. if you go online and do a google search formonsanto, one of the words that comes after it is monsanto evil.

it is known, and has been voted at times themost evil corporation in the world. and so these companies, these are giants,but you know what? we need to speak with our dollars. we need to stay informed. and so we'd encourage you, read some of thethings that jeff has put out. he's written some great books i'll share withyou. you can go on my web site,, or justgoogle search dr. axe, gmo, or non-gmo. we've put out a lot of articles on this. we want you to be completely informed on howto go non-gmo with your food.

and so we've broke down some of the thingshere. remember these things. avoid corn, canola, and soy. buy foods labeled gmo-free, also organic. remember that combination jeff talked aboutis the gold standard. shop your local farmer's market. plant an organic garden. stay informed. and so doctor, or jeff, i want to talk toyou about some of these products here you

have now. you have an amazing . . . this video is awesome,genetic roulette, i absolutely love. talk about these different things that you'veput out there in terms of some of your great content. dr. jeffrey:sure. i started out with seeds of deception. it's the world's best-selling book on gmossince 2003. it's because it takes the complicated areaand turns it into stories, the scientist who got gagged and his gag order got lifted andhe changed the world, and how the fda was

corrupted, etc. so this is the story book for the right-brainer. this is a book called genetic roulette. there's also a movie with the same title. this is the left-brain book. and when i created this in 2006, i'm not aphysician, i'm not a doctor, but i started presenting this evidence as a compilationof all the health risks to physicians' organizations and done dozens of them so far. and there's now thousands of physicians prescribingnon-gmo diets.

and what do we hear from them? their patients get better. and they list all these different diseasesand disorders. they get better when they prescribe non-gmodiets. dr. axe:jeff, i want to mention this too. i know a lot of chiropractors. my brother-in-law's a chiropractor. my brother is a chiropractor, my cousin. so i've got a lot of holistic doctors andchiropractors in my family.

what they do is they actually have this dvdplaying in their office all the time. so if you're a doctor watching, whether aholistic medical doctor, a naturopath nutritionist, a chiropractor, whatever it is, this is agreat dvd to get. put it in your office and play it for yourpatients. dr. jeffrey:i know some doctors that giveivs. and the person has to stay there for an hour. and they play the film. talk about a captive audience. and then we have someone else's books.

we have other books and other materials onour site at we have a newsletter. we have a speaker training program. we have a way to get involved with local activistscalled the tipping point network to help generate enough people to create a tipping point, whichis actually already underway, to usher gmos out of the marketplace because the food companiesdon't want to use them, if people aren't going to buy them. so we have a whole movement that we're creatingthrough this messaging, through this education, about this truth about gmos and why peoplecan protect themselves and their families

by avoiding eating gmos. i want to encourage you. vote with your dollars. you know, if we are going to ban gmos, we'regoing to have to stand up against this giant and say, "we're not buying your products." and we are gathering and putting an army together,jeff is here, to stop gmos for good. so i really want to encourage you. go to jeff's website. it's, dot org,

and by simply buying one of his products,you are supporting the cause, as well. so, again, remember this. if you go and you're a doctor and you buythis dvd, jeff takes some of these proceeds, and he's taking these proceeds and puttingthem toward banning gmos for good. also, our 501(c)(3) and our whole work aroundthe world in over 40 countries is supported by donations. so we welcome that, as well. dr. axe:awesome. well, jeff, thanks so much for being heretoday.

again, i love your heart. love your mission. love your movement. and we appreciate you being here with us,standing with us, helping us get rid of gmos. remember, help us spread this message rightnow. take a minute. and punch that share button right now. click the like button. we are locking arms together, moving forwardtogether, banishing gmos.

hey, guys, again, thanks for sharing this. and, jeff, thanks for being here with me today. dr. axe:all right. dr. jeffrey:thank you. dr. axe:thanks, guys.
