nutrition for teenage girl athletes

nutrition for teenage girl athletes

think eating vegan hinders athletic performance? think again. okay i should probably bring in an actualathlete. hi it’s emily from bite size vegan and welcometo another vegan nugget. today’s video is the first in the new vegan athlete serieswherein i’ll be interviewing various vegan

nutrition for teenage girl athletes, athletes in a series. which i suppose is apparent inthe title. the stereotype of the weak pale vegan is quitetired, though strangely persists especially when it comes to fitness. the idea that meat and animalbyproducts are necessary for strength and

performance remains prominent. for some whomay want to go vegan for the animals but are competitive athletes, the concern over beingable to still perform can be a hindrance to making the switch. so i thought it would be ideal to hear froma long-time competitive athlete with experience performing as both a non-vegan and a vegan.anne-marie campbell is a black belt in tai kwon do and the founder of meat free athlete.the popular vegan fitness blog. she’s got 20 years experience as a competitive athletewith the last 4 as a vegan. and… ...she's got killer abs....yeah! so let’s hear from anne-marieabout eating vegan for athletic performance. well anne-marie, i just want to thankyou so much for taking the time out of your

busy schedule to be on the channel and tokind of share your experience as a vegan athlete. thank you for having me, lookingforward to it. so can you just kind of give people a littleidea of who you are and what you do and a little bit about meat-free athlete. i’ve been a competitive athletefor over 20 years and a vegan athlete for over 4 years now. and then i started meat-freeathlete basically just as a way for me to just show by example how i’m doing that and justmy journey as a vegan athlete, and what’s working for me, and just showing the successi’m having athletically. so, being a competitive athlete andmaking that switch what were your main concerns

with how being vegan was going to affect yourperformance as an athlete? i don't know, first i don’tthink i actually didn’t have that conscious concern at first, i was so into the wholewow about what was happening to the animals and i was just really concerned about notcontributing to that. and i’m an athlete so i am thinking eat healthy, so ijust basically veganized a lot of the ways that i ate, and still just try to keep a healthymindset. but then right away energy skyrocketed, my recovery is faster. and i’d been a competitiveathlete for so many years so i thought i was doing the right thing. i thought i waseating right, fueling my body properly, but once i became vegan; so much more energy,i can train longer, my recovery is a lot faster

i mean looking at a, kind of, a vegandiet or eating vegan for athletic performance, what would you recommend to athletes who areconsidering making this switch. you know, as far as like, are there particular foods to eatmore for endurance versus for strength or different macros to have? or any of thosekind of concerns? what advice would you give to someone looking into it? okay yeah, my first advice would beto know the difference between performance and dieting, right? so, if you want to be an athlete you’regoing have to consume yourself with your performance. i don’t restrict my calories, i don’trestrict my portions. i’m a big believer just listening to my body. i just giveit what it wants, and i only aim for lots

of colors. so for me...because that tellsme i’m getting a good variety. and then in general, if i have to kind of label how i’meating, it’s very high carb, low fat, moderate to high protein. a lot of people when they think ofveganism, of course the main thing they think of is the protein issue. being a vegan athlete,how often do you get this question and how do you kind of respond to it? i get the question a lot, andi actually, like i said, i don’t mind receiving that question because i find that a lot ofpeople that are asking me about protein are generally...they are curious. and i don’twant to just shut them down as like “oh, another person is asking me” because theni might be turning away someone that really

is open, and they can make the connection,and i could’ve just turned away a potential future vegan who is just wanting to know,right? so absolutely, i don’t mind answering that question at all. it's our society we puta highway on protein and so, we have this big concern over it. it’s a little bit blownup, i don’t think we need as much protein as we’re being told we need, but nonethelessit’s a concern people have so, absolutely i don’t mind talking about it at all. so,it’s just a matter of breaking it down as well to let people know that protein isn’tjust one definitive thing, right? it’s amino acids and those amino acids are in all thethings we’re eating right? so, it’s just that nine essential amino acids that we needto get from food. and though they’re in

such a variety of food, and getting proteinfrom a vegan diet is so easy, it is so so easy. what is been the biggest advantagethat you’ve seen of switching to a plant based diet? just the energy level right? justin general for training as well; i’m usually the only female in the class. there’s nottoo many females that are at my belt, at the school that i’m at right now, cause i’ma black belt so...usually not as many people, or people my size to train with, i’m notthat big. so, competing with bigger, stronger guys you want to have that energy to withstand,basically taking hits and keep going to continuing so it's an endurance thing as well. and, i wouldgo an entire class, i would train a second class that including sparring, full training,everything and i still have energy. and that’s

incredible because before, by the end of thefirst training class i just be so tired, i’ll be ready to just start doing my warm downstretches, and just trying to finish the session for the day. and then now i find myself, evenafter sparring i’m just like ready to, i’ll just stay and do the next class, and continue.huge difference and then also the recovery. i’m able to train more because i’m notas sore longer. i do get injuries a lot because of the combat, combat sports right? so, i’malways getting people “oh, what happened this time?”, “oh, okay i broke my foot”,“okay, what happened now?”, “three dislocated ribs". it happens a lot but i recover somuch more fast from those now. so, very clear advantage i think athletically for people,if they just switched over to just eating

vegan for performance for sure. what an advantage,like i never expected such an advantage because i did, like i said i went for the, as soon as i...but i made the switch, then i was like “wow, this is awesome!”. it’slike this added bonus right? all of a sudden you’re just like, this is incredible. you’retapping into all of this energy in performance that all these years i could’ve been tappinginto, but we learn when we do, so. so for people who want to be able tofind you, connect with you and what you’re doing, where can they find you? is mywebsite; it’s a blog. i also have featured contributors on there. we have recipes. youcan be featured yourself as an athlete.

if you’re anybody, it doesn’t matter whatyour skill level is or what sport you’re in, just as long as you’re vegan. just thereto help inspire and motivate other people. and then i’m on social networks so, instagrammostly, and twitter, instagram and twitter @meatfreeathlete, and then also on as well...meat free athlete. my channel is pretty much just getting started though,but i’m very accesible on social. so, if you reach out to me, you’ll find that iwill respond, i’ll chat with you, if you have any questions. if i can help in any way,if i have any kind of advice that might help you out, excellent. i love to be able to discussand then i get motivated by hearing from people’s stories right, so it’s kind of a give andtake there.

well, thank you again so much for spendingtime and sharing kind of your wisdom of your years of being a competitive athlete withus. thank you for having me, it wasgreat. i hope you enjoyed hearing from can’t argue with results and it’s evident that removing animal products madea profound impact on her experience as an athlete. now, i’d love to hear from you on this. whatis your impression of veganism and athleticism. if you’re an athlete and vegan, did yousee a change in your performance with a change in diet? if you’re a non-vegan athlete,have the stereotypical concerns stopped you from making the switch? let me know in thecomments.

if you enjoyed this atypically athletic nugget, please givethis video a big thumbs up and share it around to show just how advantageous eating vegancan be for athletes as much as the animals. if you’re new here, be sure to hit that big redsubscribe button down there for more awesome vegan content every monday, wednesday, andsome fridays, and to not miss out on the rest of the vegan athlete series. if you want tohelp keep bite size vegan educating, check out either of the support links in the videodescription below and for perks and rewards for your support, just click the nugget armyicon there or the link in the icard sidebar. and hey, check out some of the related videos whileyou’re here. now go live vegan, get your workout in, and i’ll see you soon!

[inspirational music] [loud noise of effort] you know, you are a workout and a half! you are just a big kettle bell with legs! that's what you are. just a kettle bell with legs! wow! [laughs] subtitles by the community
